無故hand 機

2009-01-09 5:45 am
我平時打開機 玩cs online 都冇問題 其他game 都冇問題 但係唔知點解 玩war3 信長就會玩玩下hand 機 彈籃畫面 跟住自己重新開機 我咩都試過 重cup window 重cup war3 都試過 都係唔得 係咩原因 .??????唔該各位幫幫我

DualCore Intel Core 2 Duo E6750, 2666 MHz (8 x 333)
MSI P35 Neo (MS-7360) (2 PCI, 3 PCI-E x1, 1 PCI-E x16, 4 DDR2 DIMM, Audio, Gigabit LAN)
Intel Bearlake P35
2048 MB (DDR2-800 DDR2 SDRAM)
NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT (512 MB)

掃毒我都試過 試過N 次

回答 (1)

2009-01-09 5:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
Your Graphic Card is not suitable for the Game Requirement,
but sometime, a newer game need a new version of Directx 9 or higher in order to play the game.

1) Update your Directx into the latest Version and try play the game again.

2) If it still showed the Blue Error Page after you updated Directx, you need to buy a better graphic card to play the game.

收錄日期: 2021-05-02 17:13:11
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