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2009-01-09 4:52 am
小兒xxx為xxxx小學應屈畢業生,將於本年度九月份升讀中一,為學習階段一個新行歷程。  貴校致力培育學生各方面潛能發展及 貴校的教育方針著重知識與道德並重,學生於校外成績屢獲殊榮,故本人極希望小兒能入讀貴校。
   這些課外活動啓發出小兒的學習態度及視野,也能培養他的獨立能力。上年12月初本人與小兒參觀 貴校簡介會,對於  貴校教育理念、未來方針、校園環境、學生的熱情和自信留下深刻印象。隨後,小兒屢次表達希望能入讀  貴校。本人深信  貴校優良學習風氣,必定能讓小兒發揮所長,獲益良多。
  隨函附上小兒學業成績、獎項證書副本,懇請閱覽,更希望給予小兒面試機會詳談。祈盼 回覆。


回答 (2)

2009-01-09 11:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Xxx for primary school children should be bent xxxx graduates,will rise in this year nine months to read one, is a learning phase new good course.  Your school devotes to cultivate the student various aspects potential development and your school educational policy emphatically knowledge and the morals pays equal attention to, the student wins the great honor repeatedly in the extracurricular result, therefore myself hoped extremely the young child can enter reads your school.    The young child is open and bright, the quality loyally pure, also the elementary school time attendance outside the studies, also deeply loves participates in other extracurricular activities, when the elementary school fifth grade holds the post of a school discipline duty. The young child participates in the school, the extracurricular competition and the voluntary activity positively. In addition, xxx deeply loves music also many times to participate in the related competition and the curriculum, the result is outstanding.    
These extracurricular activities edification out young child's study manner and the field of vision, can also raise his independent ability. Last year myself visited your school synopsis meeting at the beginning of December with the young child, regarding your school education idea, the future policy, the campus environment, student's enthusiasm and will make the deep impression self-confidently. Afterward, the young child repeatedly expresses the hope to be able to enter reads your school. Myself deeply believed that your school fine study atmosphere, can let the young child surely give play to one's strong points, benefit a great deal.   
With the letter the enclosed young child academic achievement, the award item certificate transcription, adjuration reading, hoped that gives the young child to interview the opportunity to speak in detail. Prays hopes the reply.

Respectfully wishes teaches peacefully
2009-01-10 2:11 am
Xxx for primary school children should be bent xxxx graduates, will be introduced this year in September to secondary one, for the learning phase of a new line course. Your school is dedicated to nurturing the students to various aspects of potential development and your school's education policy focusing on both knowledge and ethics, students in extracurricular award-winning performance, I very much hope that children can be enrolled in school.
Children and good humor, quality Zhong pure, primary and secondary schools during the diligent in their studies, but also love to participate in other extra-curricular activities, as the fifth grade when the post of school discipline. The active participation of children in schools, extracurricular activities and obligations of competition. In addition, xxx love the music also had a lot more to participate in the competitions and courses, with outstanding results.
These extra-curricular activities inspired by the children's learning attitude and outlook, but also to foster his independence. Early in December last year, I visited your school with children of briefing sessions for school educational philosophy, the future policy of the school environment, students enthusiasm and self-confidence impressed. Subsequently, has repeatedly expressed hope that children enrolled in school. I am confident that your school an excellent learning culture must allow full play to their abilities in children has benefited a lot.
Children have the honor to transmit academic performance, a copy of the certificate awards, I urge to read, but also want to give children the opportunity to dwell on the interview. Hope reply.

An Education

2009-01-09 18:29:56 補充:
敬祝:Best wish
參考: computer, me

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