
2009-01-09 2:04 am
When you want to start a discussion?(What will you say?)

回答 (3)

2009-01-10 6:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.Hello/Good morning,today we are going to talk about...(全條題目)....
2.Today we are going to talk about....(題目)...
3.The topic today is ....(題目)...
4.Today our discusion is about....(題目)...
5.Hello/Good morning,Lets start!Shall we?..(等待其組員會回答或者直接繼續)..

2009-01-10 15:45:55 補充:
愛神同學!!不貼題是一個大忌呀!!!問家 it04314 只問Start a discussion
參考: me,myself and I
2009-01-10 7:21 am
(1)i. Hello/Good morning every body, today we are going to talk about.......(全條題目)
(1)ii. Right, Let get started, today we are going to talk about.....(全條題目)

(2)i. Today we are going to talk about......(題目)
(2)ii. OK, what we' re going to talk about is......(題目)

(2)iii. The topic today is ......(題目)
(2)iv. Today our discusion is about.......(題目)
(2)v. Hello/Good morning,Lets start!Shall we?.....(等待其組員會回答或者直接繼續)..

Topic: What 4c will buy out teacher?
Right, Let get started, today we are going to talk about What 4c will buy out teacher?

其他 - 完結時的回答:
.Right, I think that' s everything.......(總結內容)
.OK, I think we can stop now. In sum.....(總結內容)

(1)i. Hello/Good morning every body, today we are going to talk about.......(全條題目)
(1)ii. Right, Let get started, today we are going to talk about.....(全條題目)

(2)i. Today we are going to talk about......(題目)
(2)ii. OK, what we' re going to talk about is......(題目)

(2)iii. The topic today is ......(題目)
(2)iv. Today our discusion is about.......(題目)
(2)v. Hello/Good morning,Lets start!Shall we?.....(等待其組員會回答或者直接繼續)..

Topic: What 4c will buy out teacher?
Right, Let get started, today we are going to talk about What 4c will buy out teacher?

其他 - 完結時的回答:
.Right, I think that' s everything.......(總結內容)
.OK, I think we can stop now. In sum.....(總結內容)

Want to help you!!!

2009-01-09 23:24:52 補充:
其他 - 完結時的回答:
.Right, I think that' s everything.......(總結內容)
.OK, I think we can stop now. In sum.....(總結內容)

(1)i. Hello/Good ...接繼續)..

2009-01-10 17:13:46 補充:
對不起sunny 發問者, 多謝你的提點, 我只是依法辦事, 亦無需你來答應我, 請不要唆擺發問者, 請尊重這裡任何一位的回答者, 多謝合作, 另外, 我亦知道我是大學一年級你會不滿我會有那麼多的效果, 你可以繼續努力, 但請不要做一些非法的行為吧了!

我是再加一些良好的回答給發問者看得容易, 這沒有什麼大不了, 這都是網上自由的活動。

如有其他問題, 請投訴我更好了!
參考: me
2009-01-09 2:08 am
I want to start a discussion now.I will say hello.
參考: Me

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