English - busier more busy

2009-01-09 12:44 am
Can i use more busy instead of busier ?? Are they the same meaning ?
If it is right to use '' more busy '' , please give the source where you find
It is urgent !

回答 (6)

2016-10-01 6:10 pm
Busier Or More Busy
2009-01-11 5:06 am
Busier - correct.

I don't think 'more busy' is right.

When I was in the UK, I was taught that you'd usually use 'more' or 'most' for words that have 3 個音, eg important, expensive etc.
參考: myself
2009-01-10 1:34 pm
I think busier is the proper way. Busy already implies that you have a lot on your plate so you don't need to add the word "more" I don't think.Like more fun than funner. Funner is not a word, but it is probably accepted now since so many people use it......"busier" is more better. ^_^
2009-01-09 1:49 am
Actually, busier and busy both have the same meaning, but xometimes if you use one instead of the other, the teacher would say that you have grammatical mistakes.

Hope this is useful for you. :)
參考: me
2009-01-09 1:45 am
They are the same meanings but i think you can use more busy instead of busier. (But may be teachers will say that it has grammatical mistakes.)

http://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/?qid=7007030603465 <解答
2009-01-09 1:19 am
1.Are they the same meaning ?

2.Can i use more busy instead of busier ??
No, you will make gramatical mistake if you use "more busy".

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