有關 HK salary tax

2009-01-08 10:51 pm

Peter got married two years ago and his wife gave birth to a baby on
28 March 2007. Since then, the wife quit her job and stayed at home to look after simon's family.

for the year of assessment 2006/07,
peter can claim for which allowance?
basic allowance($100,000) or married allowance($200,000)?????

回答 (3)

2009-01-13 9:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Simon can apply for the dependent allowance for the child.
Simon can also select for combined calculation of salary tax if the amount of tax paid is lower, so that no matter combined or separately calculated, they only need to pay for lowest. For combined calculation, they will get married allowance, and for separate calculation, each will get basic allowance.
2009-01-13 6:06 am
因為我最想知點解係 用married person既 allowance
所以冇俾到income and other information

因為我既諗法係 peter's wife 係年尾 前辭職,
咁計allowance 果陣係用最新狀況(已辭職)
2009-01-12 4:52 pm
1. There was no information on Peter's income nor his wife for the Y.A. 2006/07.
2. We do not know whether there is are any further allowance available.
3. Based on the question itself:i.e. choose either basic or married person allowance, the straight forward answer should be married person.

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 14:38:48
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