
2009-01-08 8:40 pm
1) 暴龍(Tyrannosaurus)係現實方面0既行為同Jurassic park(小說)中描寫0既行為有咩同或者唔同?

2)劍龍(Stegosaurus)係現實方面0既行為同Jurassic park(小說)中描寫0既行為有咩同或者唔同?

3)慈母龍(Maiasaura)係現實方面0既行為同Jurassic park(小說)中描寫0既行為有咩同或者唔同?

*最好每條有3個example but 1個都冇所謂.
thank you very much;)

sorry. 答案有少少一樣都ok.

回答 (1)

2009-01-09 1:05 am
✔ 最佳答案

(Similar to the reality)

. Fresh-eating creatures. Another words they eat meats.
. They do have a really sharp, slight-curved teeth.

(Differ to the reality)

. In the movie the Tyrannosaurus seemed to be “standing” quite straight, but in reality these creatures tended to lean far forward with their “hands” be able to touch the ground.

. In the movie it showed that the Tyrannosaurus were EXTREMELY intelligent. However in fact they were as dumb as a rock.



(Similar to the reality)

. intelligent creatures
. Plant-eating creatures
. They tended to live together
. Peaceful creatures, wouldn’t be able to defense against the others
. The proportion of it’s whole body



(Similar to the reality)

. Plant-eating creatures
. They tended to live together
. Peaceful creatures

(Differ to the reality)

. In the movie the Maisasaura seemed to be “standing” quite straight, but in fact these creatures tended to lean far forward with their “hands” be able to touch the ground. Maisaura leaned even further then Tyrannosaurus.


2009-01-08 17:05:59 補充:
Hope this would be useful for you! :D

2009-01-08 17:06:48 補充:


(Similar to the reality)

. Fresh-eating creatures. Another words they eat meats.
. They do have a really sharp, slight-curved teeth.

(Differ to the reality)

. In the movie it showed that the Tyrannosaurus were EXTREMELY intelligent. However in fact they were as dumb as a rock.

2009-01-08 17:07:32 補充:
. In the book it shows that T.rex were extremely intelligent as well. However in fact they were as dumb as a rock

2009-01-08 17:07:44 補充:

(Similar to the reality)

. intelligent creatures
. Plant-eating creatures
. They tended to live together
. Peaceful creatures, wouldn’t be able to defense against the others

2009-01-08 17:08:46 補充:

(Similar to the releality)

. Plant-eating creatures
. They tended to live together
. Peaceful creatures
. They do tend to reproduce many babies' eggs
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