Most of all 的用法

2009-01-08 8:06 pm
請附例子, thank you.

most of all 是獨立句子? Phrase? or... 是怎樣用的?

回答 (3)

2009-01-09 1:33 am
✔ 最佳答案

Most of all, we should not swear at the others.

Most of all, mother loves you!

Most of all, reading is the best way to improve your English

Most of all, it is the matter of how does the US president handle this
financial problem.
It happened that you use "Most of all" nearly at the end of your
writing, or use it after some of your points, then you just use
"most of all" to tell the readers what's the most important.

It wouldn't make sense if you start off with
"The most important / Most of all"
because you haven't even told HOW it can be THE MOST since
nothing is comparing to it.


"most of all" is a phrase definitely because it cannot be existed just
by it's own. Something have to be after.


Let's divide them up first:

most, of, all

most = 最, 多數的
of = 之中的
all = 全部

Here most of all means 最重要的... Why? 多數的 means
"nearly all" which in this case it is like:

The importance of this thing can actually be the whole point of this
conversation/plan etc.

Just like 3/4 (3 分 4)

4 = all
3 = most

3 分 4 = most of all

3 分 4 = the most important
1分 4 = is less than 3 分 4 right?

And that 3 is "most of all", which is the most important.

Clearer details:

You can also refer to "the most important of all"

However we have shortened it to "most of all"

2009-01-08 22:37:02 補充:
don't know if I explain it quite clear to you or not...
2009-01-09 10:17 am
"Most of all" as a phrase means " most importantly". It's not a true idiom because its meaning can be determined (roughly) from the words themselves. That is, it's not a puzzle whose original meaning is lost in antiquity, but it is a shorter version of: the most important thing of all the things to consider. It's what we call an "absolute phrase" when it comes at the beginning (and sometimes the end) of a sentence or clause.
When you say, I love you most of all, you are not really using the same phrase. Here you are using the literal meaning of the words. I love you to a greater extent than I love anyone else.
If you say" I love you, most of all"(note the comma), then you are using this phrase. You may mean something like: I eat, I sleep, I go to school, but I love you as the most important thing I do.
I hope this helps.
2009-01-08 9:04 pm
This is a very good opportunity to check out the answer from a dictionary. You know what, it will only take you less than 5 seconds to check it out and the dictionary will give you all answers and examples. Most important of all, you will remember it so well even after 5 years. So, don't waste your 20 points here, and your time waiting for an "answer". Hope you really would try.

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