
2009-01-08 11:36 am
(ps:我唔識英文= =)


回答 (2)

2009-01-10 6:18 am
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係t.A.T.u. - Gomenasai(意思sorry)
因字數有限,上面有英文歌詞, 我就簡單解釋

我希望我沒有做過, 我想哭但我不能夠因為不准
很抱歉所有事, 很抱歉因為令你傷心
我真的永遠都抱歉 我以前不需要朋友, 不過現在需要了
想的都只是個夢, 我真的很抱歉
2009-01-08 6:30 pm
Sorry, I can't type Chinese. Hope the following can help you to understand the song better.

What I thought wasn't mine
In the light
Wasn't one of a kind,
A precious pearl
When I wanted to cry
I couldn't cause I
Wasn't allowed

Gomenasai for everything
Gomenasai, I know I let you down
Gomenasai till the end
I never needed a friend
Like I do now

What I thought wasn't all
So innocent
Was a delicate doll
Of porcelain

When I wanted to call you
And ask you for help
I stopped myself
Gomenasai for everything
Gomenasai, I know I let you down
Gomenasai till the end
I never needed a friend
Like I do now

What I thought was a dream
A mirage
Was as real as it seemed
A privilege
When I wanted to tell you
I made a mistake
I walked away
Gomenasai, for everything
Gomenasai, Gomenasai,
I never needed a friend,
Like I do now
Gomenasai, I let you down
Gomenasai, Gomenasai,
Gomenasai till the end
I never needed a friend
Like I do now

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