緍禮流程中文翻譯英文 ~ 急需

2009-01-08 8:29 am

婚禮流程 (1)











行禮流程 (2)








回答 (3)

2009-01-08 9:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
婚禮流程 (1) Wedding process (1)

姊妹團到洒店集合 Bridesmaids gather at the hotel

玩新郎,索取開門利是 Challenging games for the groom, bridesmaids request lucky money for open the door

敬茶 Serving tea to the bride's parents(如有老人家或親戚就加and senior members of the bride's family)

乘車回男家 Going back to the groom's home by car

敬茶 Serving tea to the groom's parents (如有老人家或親戚就加and senior members of the groom's family)

往美心洒樓午膳 Having lunch at Maxim's Restaurant

自由活動 Free activity

姊妹團到酒店宴會廳集合 Bridesmaids gather at the ballroom of the hotel

迎賓,協助親友入座,拍照 Welcoming guests, assist guests for seating. (統一用賓客便可)

入席,開始晚宴 Dinner starts (因上面已講過協助賓客入座, 此處不用再重覆)

行禮流程 (2) Wedding process (2)

姊妹團到洒店集合 Bridesmaids gather at the hotel

洒店內午膳 Lunch at the hotel

乘車往會所 Going to clubhouse by car

稍作休息,拍照,迎賓 Rest, photo shooting, welcoming guests

安排親友入座 Assist guests for seating

開始緍禮,切蛋糕 Wedding ceremony starts, cutting wedding cake

開始洒會,拍照 Reception starts, photo shooting

2009-01-08 01:43:50 補充:
用002的rundown係啱過用process, 但酒會應是reception而唔係cocktail, 因cocktail只係解雞尾酒.
參考: Myself, Myself
2009-01-08 9:04 am
Wedding Rundown (1)
Bridesmaids gather at hotel
Play games with bridegroom, solicit lucky money
Serve tea
To bridegroom's home by vehicle
Serve tea
Lunch at Maxim Restaurant
Free time
Bridesmaids gather at Banquet Room of hotel
Reception, arrange seating for relatives and friends, photo-taking
Be seated, dinner starts

Wedding Rundown (2)
Bridesmaids gather at hotel
Lunch at hotel
To Club House by vehicle
Break, photo-taking, reception
Arrange seating for relatives and friends
Ceremony starts, cut cake
Cocktail starts, photo-taking

(可用guests代替relatives and friends)
Reply 001 is not good translation.

2009-01-08 20:49:36 補充:
Reg. 003's reply, would it be even better to use "cocktail reception"? Reception does not include the provision of drinks.

2009-01-08 21:27:58 補充:
Thanks for 003's comments.
"cocktail reception" is a more appropriate term.
參考: my own translation
2009-01-08 8:32 am
Wedding process(1)

The sister regiment goes to a Sa store to gather

Playing a bridegroom, obtaining to open the door benefit BE

Respect tea

Go by car to return to bridegroom's family

Respect tea

Go toward beautiful heart Sa building lunch

Free activity

The sister regiment goes to cabaret party hall to gather

Face a guest, help friends and relatives to take the seat, take photo

Seat at table, start a dinner

Salute process(2)

The sister regiment goes to a Sa store to gather

The Sa lunch inside the store

Go by car toward meeting

Make a rest slightly, take photo, face a guest

Arranging the friends and relatives takes the seat

Start? Gift, slice cake

Start a Sa meeting, take photo

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