topic sentence

2009-01-08 10:48 pm
1.For one thing, cities have many conveniences such as public transportation and all-night grocery stores. For another, cities offer so many possibilities for entertainment. There are movie theaters, concert halls, museums, and night clubs. Very few of these things can be found out in the country.
2.There are many simple things that you can do on a daily basis in order to get fit. One excellent example is to climb the stairs instesd of using an elevator. The repeated use of the stairs helps strengthen leg muscles and also gets the heart beating faster. Another way to get exercise is to ride a bicycle to school or work if it is possible. If you take public transportation, you can get off at an earlier stop and walk the rest of the way. All of these little things add up. It just goes to show, you can get good exercise without making major changes to your life.
請問這兩句的topic sentence是什麼
順便請問一下topic sentence 要怎麼分辨

Though the sun is burning, the cool water can soothe the heating of the sun. People are swimming in the water, playing beach ball, and lying for taking a sunbath on the sand. Children like to model figures with sand. They can always find their own ways to relax on the beach. 還有這一句 忘記貼到 抱歉>0

回答 (2)

2009-01-08 10:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
topic sentence中文叫「主題句」,通常為該段的第一句(或最後一句),也就是讓你知道該段要談些什麼。英文普遍都是這樣書寫的,所以沒時間時,可以先讀每段的第一句,就可以大概知道該段要談什麼。
1.的主題句較不明顯,也可以說有兩個主題句:一為:For one thing, cities have many conveniences such as public transportation and all-night grocery stores。二為:For another, cities offer so many possibilities for entertainment.
2.的主題句則較明顯,為:There are many simple things that you can do on a daily basis in order to get fit. (讓你知道第二段就是要講這個主題)。
希望以上的回答能幫到你嚕! 加油!

2009-01-08 16:12:38 補充:
你補充的主要是在說大家在海灘上的情況。(主題句沒有很明顯)。第一句只大概描述了一下溫度。我覺得可以把最後一句當主題句。They can always find their own ways to relax on the beach.
參考: 自己
2009-01-08 10:59 pm
1. For one thing, cities have many conveniences such as public transportation and all-night grocery stores.
2. There are many simple things that you can do on a daily basis in order to get fit.
所謂的topic sentence, 就是'開頭句'的意思
也就是the introduction to the paragraph (整段文章的介紹)

參考: 讀國際學校的自己

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