Myspace comment record?

2009-01-07 2:51 pm
When I gave comments to my friends, I could only read them when they set their comment box public, but sometimes I forgot what I've written in my comments & really liked to find out the comments I sent out, is there any way for me to check when, whom & what comment I did send? Or is there any software or counter for me to install on my page to keep record?

Thanks a lot ^^

回答 (1)

2009-01-07 2:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The only way for you to re-read your old comments is to find them on your friend's pages. If the comments are hiden, there is nothing you can do unless you feel able to ask the friend to temporarily display his/her comments.
If you wish to keep records of comments you make, save each one to a Word document with the name of the person and perhaps the date. I guess you could make a new folder in Documents "My MySpace Comments".

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