opening sentence. (URGENT, NEED THIS TMR) HELP.?

2009-01-07 10:25 am
i need an opening sentence for my "advantages of ipod" essay. yah it generally talks about the advantages of ipod.

this is kinda urgent and i need this tomorrow. help.

thanks to you all but it has to like lead it to the second paragraph. (start to talk abotu the advantages) and i need smth called a controlling idea in the first paragraph. suggestions?

回答 (6)

2009-01-07 10:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
Sitting in a bus/ train /car/room (delete as appropriate) with phones stuck in your ears is good for you. Why? Read on.

Hope this helps
2009-01-07 10:30 am
It's hard for us to write you a sentence that will fit in with the rest of your introduction because we don't know what the rest of your introduction is.
Maybe something like "Since its introduction in [YEAR], [NUMBER] ipods have been sold. Why are they so popular? To answer this question we need to examine the many advantages that iPods have over other music players." Is that what you had in mind? Try google for the statistics.
2009-01-07 10:30 am
In today's world of digital technology, one device reigns supreme as the go to gadget for music lovers. spanning both young and older generations the ipod offers a single medium to unite an otherwise unrelated series of demographics.
參考: :/ eh?
2009-01-07 10:34 am
Oh nice essay...

So I would do it like this:-

Nowadays technology had been the most thing that there had been improvements. Always trying to be more sophisticated {sry but I don't know how to spell it}. The ipod was one of the most item that most of the teenagers wonders to have one. It had loads of advantages...for example loads of songs, videos, pictures can be saved on it. You can use it for the school purposes. Even some of the ipods have a microphone which you can save all the lesson on it and then you can hear the lesson again again and again.

Hope that I helped you with these advantage. Obviously I encourage you to widen them out.
2009-01-07 10:32 am
As technology gets more advanced, it invents many more wonders for our society to enjoy, such as the iPod.

You can fix it around xP
2009-01-07 10:29 am
Here's a couple:

There are many advantages of the ipod. (a little bland.)

The use of ipod's today have many advantages.

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