小弟英文根底差, 但後天又要準備講一篇文章, 臨急作左出黎..
有沒有師兄可助小弟修正文法? 因為老師好執重系文法度扣分..
My Point is : We shouldn’t play the game .
Many reports show, many children and teenagers , are become addicted of the game. They aren’t want to eat or drink, they only want toplay the game all the time. Around 44 percent of the youth said their friends are addicted. Nearly eight in 10 US children and teenagers play video games at least once a month. I think this is a very grave social issue. Because if they don’t go out the home, it is very easy to become a hikky (is a Japanese term to refer to the
phenomenon of reclusive individuals who have chosen to withdraw from social life.) There are many examples in Japan. Some online games can buy some cards in the reality. It is easy to spend many money.
If he spend many times to play the game. How does homeworks ,
friends, and family ? Maybe their marks in the school will very low.
Their friends won’t play with him. And, someone , if he play some force games, he will learn , he will break the law. There are many negative influence about this. So I don’t support the teenagers spend many times to play the games.