Accounting 問題

2009-01-08 4:23 am
(iii)the debentures were issued to finance a new property development. The X8 debenture interest has been capitalised and included in the figures above. However, the directors have now agreed that the debenture interest should be expensed in X8 and not capitalised. The property development is not to be depreciated until X9

Property development (see note iii below)dr 43000
10% debenture (issued on 1 Jan X8)cr 30000


capitalized 點解?

回答 (1)

2009-01-08 4:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
10% debenture @ $30,000即係Interest $3,000,而呢個數就包含在Property Development 裡面。而家要你將Interest 由Property Development 裡面轉去做費用,咁就做下列調整:
Dr. Interest Expenses $3,000
Cr. Property Development $3,000

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