
2009-01-08 1:55 am

回答 (5)

2009-01-18 11:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
你咁講令在下想起第一隻複製羊[多莉], 年齡明明係一隻年輕的羊, 不過周身 [老人病], 仲比一般羊早死. 有人推測, 因為多莉係複製自一隻成年既羊, 佢既染色體本來已經係成年羊既狀態, 雖然得到一個新既身體, 但染色體仍然係由本來既老化階段繼續老化落去. 咁原本個隻成年既捐贈者羊, 慢慢步入老年, 多莉亦同一時間步入老年.
至於背後既科學原理, 相信同染色體既末端 telomere [?端粒子] 有關. 係一個初生嬰兒身上, telomere係好長既. 每次細胞分裂, 染色體就要複製一次, 而每次複製, telomere就會短左少少. 長此下去, 十年, 就短左一截, 廿年, 就短左更多, 到七老八十, 染色體同初生嬰兒就有分別啦.
好, 返到樓主講既小說情節: 可能個醫生可以係個三胞胎仲係一個受精卵既時候, 就改佢地既染色體末端既長度, 等三姊妹既生理年齡各相隔十年, 例如第一個女既染色體狀態整到好似57老人家, 第二個整到好似67歲, 第三個整到好似77歲, 然後放番入去媽媽肚裡繼續懷孕, 出生...
嗯, 仲未計: 到底大家係咪同樣到左染色體係80歲個年就會死? 就算人口平均壽命係80歲, 我地唔對染色體作出任何干擾, 改變, 都唔會知每一個人實際有幾長命架嘛, 有d人上100歲仲好健康, 有d人未到60已經開始衰退, 出現老人痴呆, 骨質疏鬆, 癌症等等老人常見既病. 更唔好計意外受傷或傳染病致死呢d情況... 有咩可能係一個人身上預較死亡時間架??!!
只可能係將佢地既生理年齡改變, 不過不可以單靠改變生理年齡來預言佢地既死亡年份/時間囉.

2009-01-18 03:12:48 補充:
to 動物保護者:
Changing the DNA order only gives you a person with a longer/shorter life expectancy, but not to change the person's age.
改變一個人既dna令佢健康d, 佢就可能 [長命d]. 改多d病既基因入去, 佢就可能因呢d病而 [短命d]. 不過, 就唔等於 [老d]! 即係, 唔係改變佢既 [年齡].
樓主係想知有冇得改年齡 =年歲, 年紀, 同埋點樣改吖嘛.
參考: 自家意見, 歡迎批評指正!
2009-01-17 2:54 am
冇可能發生的 !!! 改做年紀 ?!

nonononononononononononono ... !!!
參考: me
2009-01-17 2:09 am
2009-01-11 12:25 pm
no. i dont think so
I think dead is caused by : accidence ,suicide, aging, disease
there is no certain gene control your life span. However, there are genes control the cell cycles, if you do something to this gene, your cells cycles may go more quickly and you will have a shorter life span. but mutations on such genes usually induce cancer - uncontrol reproducing cells. And I think he can at most make them to have cancer or disease that cause their dead.
Hence, for now I dont think anyone are able to do this. maybe someone can do it in future.

2009-01-11 04:26:10 補充:
i dont think he can predict what age they will die
2009-01-10 5:37 am
well this is DNA obviously.

Even though you just slightly change the DNA order, you can change the person's age, hair colour, appearance and nearly everything about that person.

However scientists are still working on how to re-arrange the DNA order. What we know now is that:

Once the DNA order has been re-arranged,
That person's structure will be re-arranged as well (including:

- sex
- appearance
- diseases (cause to get or get easily)
- hair colour
- eyes colour
- skin colour
- etc...

2009-01-09 21:55:31 補充:
Yes it can. DNA causes person to get older. If you change the DNA order, you are changing that person's age.

2009-01-13 20:17:17 補充:
sorry here I'm not saying changing the DNA can predict the death

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