
2009-01-08 12:56 am

Thank you for returning the item to us; this was received today.

received 同 today 會唔會 tenses 唔一致呀??

回答 (7)

2009-01-08 7:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Thank you for returning the item to us; this was received today.
其實你的句子最正確, 但如加上一個字, 則連tense(時態)都埋.
Thank you for returning the item to us; this was received earlier today.
參考: Own
2009-01-12 1:33 am
received 同 today 會唔會 tenses 唔一致呀??

我想答此句 : "was received" 係被動式, 意指"it was received"(此物已被收到) 雖然係過去式; 但事實你係今日收到 "today". 我們日常在"today"用現在式, 但today都有好多時段, 你可強調是上午, 或中午, 便可讓人知道是已經收咗在那個時段, 收咗, 已經過去, 便可以用過去式。
e.g. It was received in the morning of today.
2009-01-09 12:53 am
We have received the item today.
Thank you for returning it to us.
已經收到應用現在完成式 have received
have received 應與現在意思的時間副詞同用,today 是有現在意思的時間副詞,所以同用沒有問題。
前面已說了 the item,後面就得用代名詞,但你用錯代名詞,應用 it。
2009-01-08 5:31 am
簡而錯 ^______________^ Well said!
2009-01-08 4:05 am
其實你的作句沒錯, 反而回答者出錯.

e.g. Items WERE received.
e.g. 不是簡而清, 而是簡而錯. 意謂多謝今天退件給我,人家意思是今天收到.
2009-01-08 1:02 am
Items was reviceived today and thanks for retuining.


Thank you for returning the item to us. It was received today.

唔好用this放落第2句"was received today", 要用it~

2009-01-07 17:03:56 補充:

Items was received today and thanks for returning.

2009-01-08 05:30:21 補充:
thank you kenneth6666662003~
he points out my mistakes XD

anyway, i think
"items were received and thanks" is also ok
參考: 自己
2009-01-08 1:01 am
Today, I received ur item.Thank you!

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