請各位好心人幫幫手, 翻譯成中文..急!!!!!萬分感謝!!

2009-01-07 7:24 pm
Notice of Readiness

Notice of Readiness to load shall be tendered to and accepted by SELLER upon arrival at Loading Port, after free pratique and customs formalities and when vessel is in all respects ready to load.
Lay time shall commence upon the tendering and acceptance of Notice of Readiness. Lay time for the purpose of calculating dispatch money and demurrage shall terminate when cargo has been loaded ,stowed and seaworthy trimmed by SELLER.

Issuance of Bill of Lading

Issuance of Bill of Lading Bill of Lading shall be issued to the SELLER within (3) banking days after the departure of the vessel from the port of loading in order for the SELLER to deal with the banking requirements for the payment of the LC. Under any circumstances, a penalty of (0.035%) of the contract price for that particular shipment shall be imposed for each day of delay to the BUYER in the event of non issuance of BL by the ship owner or agent within the prescribed period until the SELLER has received the original BL. The penalties shall be computed and will be included as part of the final payment

Demmurage and Disptach

If a Shipment is not loaded within the allowable lay time, SELLER shall pay to BUYER demurrage money in respect of the time by with the allowable lay time has been exceeded. When allowable lay time has been exceeded, the ship shall remain on demurrage until completion of loading. demurrage shall be paid(in US$) by SELLER to BUYER in accordance with the provisions of this Contract.

In calculating demurrage or dispatch, part of a day shall be included pro rata in the calculation. DEM/DES:USD13000/6,500 PD PR/DHD WTS AT BENDS each shipment.

Within 5 (Five) days upon completion of loading, seller / buyer shall send lay time sheet, original statement of fact, notice of readiness to buyer / seller to claim and asking for settling demurrage / dispatch. Demurrage or dispatch amount must be settled by buyer / seller within 15 (Fifteen) days from date of claiming.

回答 (3)

2009-01-07 7:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案

位置時間將開始在準備通知招標和採納。 當SELLER,被裝載了,存放和適航整理的貨物位置時間為計算的急件金錢和抗議的目的將終止。


提貨單發行提貨單在(3)開戶幾天之內將被發布對賣主在船的離開以後從為了賣主能應付的口岸裝載LC的付款的銀行業務要求。 在之下所有情況,懲罰(0.035%)合同價格為那特殊發貨為延遲每天在規定的期間內將被強加對買家在非BL情形下發行由船東或代理,直到賣主接受了原始的BL。 作為最後支付一部分,懲罰將被計算和是包括的


如果發貨沒有被裝載在允許的位置時間之內,賣主將支付對買家金錢關於時間與允許的位置時間被超出了的抗議。 當允許的位置時間被超出了,船在抗議將保持直到裝貨的完成。 抗議將由SELLER支付(在US$)對買家與這個合同符合供應。

在計算的抗議或急件,一部分的一天在演算按比例將包括。 DEM/DES :USD13000/6,500 PD PR/DHD WTS在彎每發貨。

在5 (五)在完成了裝貨後,天之內,賣主/買家將送位置工時表,事實,準備通知的原始的聲明對買家/賣主要求和請求安定的抗議/急件。 在15 (十五)天之內必須由買家/賣主安定抗議或急件數額從日期要求。

2009-01-07 9:11 pm

俗人的時間將在那個投標和對預備的注意的接受度之上開始。 當貨物已經被裝載的時候,俗人的時間為了計算特派錢和超過停泊日期將結束,收藏起來和適於航海的被賣方整理。


參考: 自己
2009-01-07 8:08 pm
謝謝, 但係應該唔係好啱...

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