Once 的使用文法

2009-01-07 7:05 pm
如把"Once" 使用在句子上, 其意思是"一但", "一當" 之後的動詞是否都可以用現在式及 過去式 ? 如果可以, 是否在時間上有不同含意 ?

i.e. The sales sample will not drop and pls go ahead sampling once
the trial sample was approved.

i.e. The sales sample will not drop and pls go ahead sampling once
the trial sample is approve.

Which one is correct ? or both ?

回答 (3)

2009-01-08 12:30 am
✔ 最佳答案

the trial sample is approveD. ( you may use" present tense")

2009-01-09 03:40:33 補充:
please go ahead sampling( verb+ing here) once<-----This is informal, not wrong English!

2009-01-09 03:42:03 補充:
please go ahead and sample( still a verb here) once............ ( more formal)

2009-01-09 03:52:23 補充:
The second part can be written as

Once the trial sample(noun) is approved( passive voice), please go ahead sampling ( verb+ing) / and sample( verb).
2009-01-08 4:49 am
I noticed 2 mistakes.
(i.e. once the trial sample is approved)
(i.e. Please go ahead WITH sampling)
2009-01-07 7:10 pm
i think the 2nd one is correct.
bcoz the trial sample is not approve yet, should not use "was approved", unless this is a passive voice sentence.

n i think the 2nd sentence should be"...trial sample is approved."

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