
2009-01-07 8:30 am
Everyday, thousands of people die of starvation, we cannot find enough food to eat and feed their children. Sometimes they need to find food in rubbish bin and eat the food which is dumped by other people. But we also have some people who are in luxurious life style waste a lot of food which is poor needed everyday. Poverty in the world is a serious problem, I would like to introduce it in the following.

Hong Kong is a well developed city, it seems people who are living in Hong Kong not longer worry about food and living. Most people think those poverty problems only appear in those poor countries, in fact, Hong Kong also has poverty problem.
Some elderly people who have retired from their job need to find some recyclable
material in the street in order to sustain their daily life. Those people start work at sunrise and end work at dawn. Maybe you would ask why they don’t apply some government funds. Actually the government gives them some retired funds, but those funds aren’t enough to sustain their daily life so they still work after retired. In another part of people life, they have a lot of money. They don’t need to worry about their daily life, those people have a superfluous money having some luxurious life style. It is a huge different life style between poor and wealthy people, those poor cannot sustain their daily life, it would became a big problem in Hong Kong. I think the government and charities can do some things to improve this problem.

回答 (2)

2009-01-07 10:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
Every day thousands of people die of starvation.Tons of poor people cannot find enough food to eat and feed their children. Sometimes they need to look for food in rubbish bins and eat the food dumped by others. Also, there are people who live the lifestyle of the rich and famous and tend to waste a lot of food that may be enough for the poor every day. Poverty is no doubt a serious issue worldwide. I would like to focus on it in the following paragraph.

Hong Kong is a well- developed city where most citizens don't need to worry about what they eat and how they live. Most of them only think(that) those poverty problems only exist in poor countries, in fact, there are
similar problems in Hong Kong. Some elderly people who have retired from their jobs still need to find some recyclable
materials in the street for a living. Those people start their work at sunrise and finish it at dawn. Maybe you would ask why they don't seek help at the social welfare department . Actually the government gives them retirement funds, but those funds aren't enough to support their lives. Many of them still need to work after they are retired. For some old folks, they have a lot of money so they don't need to worry about anything. They can even afford to live in luxury.There is a wide inequality gap between the rich and the poor.If the poor cannot improve their lives , the existing problems will grow worse . I strongly urge the government and charities to take active measures to tackle all these worsening problems.

2009-01-07 02:35:03 補充:
Also, there are people who live the lifestyle of the rich and famous and tend to waste lots of food that may be enough for the poor for one day.

2009-01-10 02:10:21 補充:
Many of them still need to work after they are retired( adjective here)

the existing problems will grow worse<------ another expression of saying " getting worse"

2009-01-10 02:10:54 補充:
to seek help at/from XXXX both correct!

+help+at&lr=&hl=zh-TW<----- It is written in the book.

2009-01-10 02:12:04 補充:
retired <---------adjective


It can be found in any dictionaries!

2009-01-10 02:16:15 補充:
about " growing worse"



2009-01-10 02:16:45 補充:
This expression can be found anywhere on the INTERNET TOO.

2009-01-10 02:17:59 補充:
發問者: tamama , SIMONCHAN came in here to mess around only!

2009-01-10 02:26:34 補充:
IMPROVE MY LIFE<---------------


2009-01-10 02:28:27 補充:
The Reader's Digest‎
De Witt Wallace, Lila Acheson Wallace 著 - 1982

2009-01-10 02:28:47 補充:
第 236 頁

2009-01-10 02:30:00 補充:

2009-01-10 03:01:12 補充:
點數: 114 (本週+114) 回答採用率: 0% (0/0) 發問回答率: 0% (0/0) 他的Blog: 不公開
他的粉絲: 0人 登入時間:2009-01-09 檔案建立:2009-01-09

2009-01-10 03:01:31 補充:
004 經常發放假知識胡鬧 , 你們可以到他的檔案看看

2009-01-10 03:02:26 補充:
003 經常發放假知識胡鬧 , 你們可以到他的檔案看看

2009-01-10 13:31:10 補充:
Many of them still need to work after they've retired. ( more formal)

present perfect tense

2009-01-10 14:02:26 補充:
Little Women ; Little Men ; Jo's Boys: Little Men ; Jo's Boys‎ - 第 968 頁
Louisa May Alcott, Elaine Showalter 著 - 2005 - 1092 頁

2009-01-10 14:02:54 補充:
... and his first impulse was to( seek help at the gambling-table), whither his
new friends had often tempted him. But he had promised Mr. Bhaer to resist 有限的預覽 - 關於此書 - 加入我的圖書館 - 更多版本

2009-01-10 14:03:32 補充:
at the gambling-table<----- a specific place
2009-01-08 5:06 am
Seek help FROM the social welfare department

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