The season 2 - True Blood

2009-01-07 1:12 pm
I read in an interview with Sam Trammell the actor who plays Sam (how fitting) that Season 2 will go into production in January 2009 -- has anyone else heard any news about this?
Here is a link to the interview:

回答 (3)

2009-01-07 4:17 pm
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It is true that back in September last year, HBO has picked up True Blood for the second season.

Second season will feature 12 episodes and a few new faces has been added to the casts.

Keep an eye on the HBO official website for the airing date
2009-01-13 3:41 am
Well,I realized that I shouldn't have asked ppl.
2009-01-13 2:58 am
TRUE BLOOD真的還好而已..

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