英文長短閱讀報告''x2 只需回答問題......20分

2009-01-07 5:42 am
英文長短閱讀報告''x2 只需回答問題......
What is the about?
What is the best part?
Would you tell a frined this book?Why?
Fiction 定 Non-fiction?
如Fiction 就回答這些問題
What is the setting of the story?
List the main character in the stroy:
Which character do you like most?Why?
What is the plot of the story?
What is the ending of the story?
The book is about...
The book tells us some facts
The photo/picture I like most is on page......because......
Is the book useful to you?Yes or No.(Please circle)
Why or why not?
Write down 3 New Words you have learnt from the book.
1. _________(part of speech)
Meaning in English:_________________________________
Example in the book you read:_________________________
2. _________(part of speech)
Meaning in English:_________________________________
Example in the book you read:_________________________
3. _________(part of speech)
Meaning in English:_________________________________
Example in the book you read:_________________________
指定係Erich Segal 的 Love Story
What is the book about?
What is the best part?
Would you tell afrined to read this book?Yes OR No? WhY?
What is your reflection of the book?

回答 (1)

2009-01-09 2:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. It is about a guy whose name was Sherlock Holmes. He was a
detective. By using his awesome intelligence and his science's
knowledge he has solved many complicated problems.

2. The best past is when Sherlock Holmes was using his Chemistry
knowledge to solve the "gypsies' problems"

3. Yes. Obviously because it is a classic and enthralling!

4. Fiction

5. In Britain, Sherlock Holmes and his side-kick Watson was solvingmiseries by observing small objetcs.

6. Sherlock Holmes, Watson

7. Detective

8. The ending is Sherlock Holmes eventually declared that he was
tired of doing that much stuff and retired since.

9. superstition, jaunty,gypsy

(I don't get what part of speech)
I haven't read Erich Segal Love Story sorry

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 16:22:25
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