
2009-01-07 4:21 am


回答 (3)

2009-01-08 1:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
解夢 IS NOT always that straight forward!

1: You have doubt with your future (love) or the matters of love.
(more likely)

You said you love the guy. However in your dreams, you are your
friend was together and was hiding in a hole,

which means you are getting confused with realities in real life.

Then back to your dream, you suddenly saw the guy who you love walked pass, which means you have doubt with some matters of
love because you were looking at him in an opaque place/hiding
place. Obviously you really want to get the guy's attention as you
looked straight at him, hoping that he would turn his head and look
back at you.

This is a psychology of love, no doubt.

鎖匙 means something important (eg. future, future love)
殺我全家 means you are having doubt with sth in this situation.
And here you are mistrusting your love in the future and
also some matter of love, eg: why love has to be... / what is love?

(because now, at this moment
you are still a student, love is the matter of future)

This dream indirectly shows that
you are mistrusting some matters of love.


2. You want to know you future love
(less likely)

You looked at the one who you love (because now, at this moment
you are still a student, love is the matter of future) and wondering if:
(2 situations)

1. he loves you or not
2. what will your love in the future be

As shown that you were hiding in a hole, peeking through the tiny

I hope this would be useful for you !
2009-01-08 8:16 am
you want sex(佢答我係條鎖匙,-male organ) but afraid of sex (我地厘埋響地面個大窿度-female organ )

you know if you want to have relationship with him must have sex with him but you afraid and once have sex with him your family will kill you or blame you and you will quarrel with the whole family

2009-01-07 7:56 am


參考: 夢的解釋

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