急!翻譯以下文章the sound of music!20點

2009-01-07 4:01 am

玛丽娅在萨尔茨堡一座严格的修道院作实习修女。她喜爱威严的阿尔卑斯山脉,经常在山上远足而忘记修道院的任务。修道院的主持很有智慧,认为玛丽娅也许更适合外界的生活,所以决定派她到特拉普家作7个孩子的家庭女教师。到了特拉普家后,玛丽娅对男爵按照严格的军规来管教他的孩子们感到惊讶。男爵是一个贵族鳏夫,也是海军上校。她得知孩子们曾经赶走过许多前任家庭教师后,采取不同的方式对待他们。不是教育他们,而是把音乐带进他们的生活,教他们如何唱歌跳舞、玩耍嘻戏,而且赢得了孩子们的爱。 孩子们为他们的父亲表演木偶剧是玛丽娅和男爵之间萌发爱情的第一步。仅仅几天以后,男爵把斯洛德男爵夫人作为他的未婚妻介绍给孩子们。舞会上,男爵和玛丽娅给观众表演民族舞蹈,在他们一起跳舞时,发现了彼此的情感。斯洛德男爵夫人鼓励玛丽娅立即离开特拉普家。于是她回到了修道院。 孩子们很快发现玛丽娅失踪了,他们想尽办法让她回来,此时男爵正在准备和斯洛德男爵夫人结婚。玛丽娅回到修道院后,对主持倾诉了自己对男爵的爱情,主持则鼓励她对自己的爱情要。她匆忙赶回男爵家,发现男爵正在准备婚礼。男爵夫人意识到男爵和玛丽娅之间真正的爱情后,离开了男爵。最终玛丽娅在她想成为修女的修道院和她所爱的人举行了婚礼。当他们度蜜月回家时,纳粹占领了奥地利。男爵不想为纳粹的海军服务,找机会逃跑:全家人参加在萨尔茨堡节日剧院里举行的合唱节。就在这儿男爵演唱了雪绒花,为他挚爱的祖国献歌,而几小时之后他们就要永远离开这儿了。特拉普一家藏在修道院墓地里以躲避搜捕,最后戏剧性地逃跑了。影片最后的镜头是特拉普一家爬上阿尔卑斯山,到达瑞士,曙光象征着他们新生活的开始。

回答 (1)

2009-01-07 4:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
Maria is the practice nun in a Salzburg strict monastery. She likes the dignified Alps, hikes frequently on the mountain forgets monastery's duty. Monastery's management has the wisdom very much, thinks a Maria perhaps more suitable outside the life, therefore the decision sends her to be 7 children to the Trapp family the family female teachers.

2009-01-06 20:54:53 補充:
After the Trapp family, Maria teaches him to the baron according to the strict military discipline the children to feel surprised.

2009-01-06 20:55:14 補充:
The baron is an aristocrat wifeless man, is also naval captain.She knew after the children had expelled many predecessors the tutor, adopts the different way to treat them.

2009-01-06 20:55:50 補充:
Educates them, but takes into music their life, how teaches them to sing dances, plays hee hee the play, and has won children's love. The children perform the puppet play for theirs father are between Maria and the baron the germination love first step.

2009-01-06 20:56:05 補充:
Merely several days later, the baron takes baroness Si Lord he the fiancee to introduce to the children.At the dance party, the baron and Maria performs the ethnic dance for the audience, when they dance together, has discovered each other's emotion.

2009-01-06 20:56:17 補充:
Baroness Si Lord encourages Maria to leave the Trapp family immediately. Therefore she returned to the monastery. The children discovered very quickly Maria has been missing, they do everything possible to let her come back, this time the baron is preparing and baroness Si Lord marries.

2009-01-06 20:56:32 補充:
After Maria returns to the monastery, to managed pours out itself to baron's love, the management has encouraged her to want to own love. She hurries back the baron family hurriedly, discovered that the baron is preparing the wedding ceremony.

2009-01-06 20:56:46 補充:
After baroness realizes between the baron and Maria the true love, left the baron. Final Maria wanted to become the human who in her nun's monastery and she loved to hold the wedding ceremony. When they are on one's honeymoon goes home, the Nazi has seized Austria.

2009-01-06 20:57:22 補充:
The baron does not want to serve for Nazi's navy, looks for the opportunity to escape: The whole family participates in the choral festival which holds in the Salzburg holiday theater.

2009-01-06 20:57:38 補充:
Has sung the snow silk-tree flower in here baron, loves the motherland for him to offer the song, but several hours later they must forever leave here.Trapp hides in the monastery tomb avoids hunts down and arrests, finally theatrically escaped.

2009-01-06 20:57:50 補充:
The movie final lens are Trapp one climb up the Alps, arrives at Switzerland, the dawn is symbolizing the start which they live newly.

2009-01-06 20:58:30 補充:
選我為最佳回答. 謝謝.

2009-01-08 17:18:47 補充:
選我為最佳回答. 謝謝.
參考: me

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