
2009-01-07 3:33 am
我係用匯豐咭既,一直都係去開櫃枱交咭數,但而家話下個月要收錢啦, 咁我而家想用PPS交喎, 咁申請PPS時要比個A/C 佢KA MA,但我想知我用中銀戶口過數的話,會唔會收D咩手續費之類KA??同埋我用PPS 交咭數的話,又會唔會收我錢KA??


回答 (2)

2009-01-08 4:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
你可以先去 OK 便利店(或是任何一間可以開「繳費靈」帳戶的地方)用你的中銀提款卡一刷,輸入(提款密碼),再設定一個6-8位數字的「密碼」就開好了「繳費靈」帳戶!

2009-01-07 3:46 am
If you transfer fund from one bank to another bank, no matter via Internet, or Phone, or branch counter, yes, you will have to pay service fee. Some banks charge around HK$30 for this. And this fund transfer might take ~2 working days. This is not a good choice for credit card payment.

To settle credit card bills, it is easy to do it via PPS. Just use your Bank ATM card to open a PPS account (from OK shops or PCCW shops), then you can pay different kinds of bills (electric bills, phone bills, management fee, school tuition, ........) via telephone or Internet at no extra charge.

Just make sure in PPS system to set the payment day 1 day before bill due date (just to avoid any accident for late payment that cause credit card interest penalty). And make sure your bank saving account (the bank account associated with the PSS account) have enough money on the date of payment.
參考: myself

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