
2009-01-07 3:04 am
祝您2009有"扭"不盡的快樂!"扭"不盡的收獲!"扭"不盡的鈔票!"扭"不盡的笑容!"扭"不盡的幸福!"扭"不盡的美滿生活! 敬祝大家 ~ 事事大吉、年年如意、連行大運、賺大錢!鴻圖大展、飛黃騰達、旺福鴻運!牛年轉乾坤 * 普天開景運 * 好運連年來!"

回答 (5)

2009-01-07 3:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
Wishes you 2009 to have quot; Turns " Endless joy! quot; Turns quot; Endless harvest! quot; Turns quot; Endless bill! quot; Turns quot; Endless smiling face! quot; Turns " Endless happiness! quot; Turns quot; Endless content life! Respectfully wishes everybody ~ everything extraordinarily good luck, to be year after year pleasant, Lian Xingda to transport, to make money! The grand plan big exhibition, makes a rapid career advance, the prosperous lucky good luck! The Year of the Ox transfers the universe * Putian to open the scenery to transport * the good luck successive years! "
2009-01-07 3:53 am
Wishes you 2009 to have " Turns " Endless joy! " Turns " Endless harvest! " Turns " Endless bill! " Turns " Endless smiling face! " Turns " Endless happiness! " Turns " Endless content life! Respectfully wishes everybody ~ everything extraordinarily good luck, to be year after year pleasant, Lian Xingda to transport, to make money! The grand plan big exhibition, makes a rapid career advance, the prosperous lucky good luck! The Year of the Ox transfers the universe * Putian to open the scenery to transport * the good luck successive years! "
參考: me
2009-01-07 3:26 am
Wishes you 2009 to have " Turns " Endless joy! " Turns " Endless harvest! " Turns " Endless bill! " Turns " Endless smiling face! " Turns " Endless happiness! " Turns " Endless content life! Respectfully wishes everybody ~ everything extraordinarily good luck, to be year after year pleasant, Lian Xingda to transport, to make money! The grand plan big exhibition, makes a rapid career advance, the prosperous lucky good luck! The Year of the Ox transfers the universe * Putian to open the scenery to transport * the good luck successive years!
參考: me
2009-01-07 3:20 am
Wishes you 2009 to have " Turns " Endless joy! " Turns " Endless harvest! " Turns " Endless bill! " Turns " Endless smiling face! " Turns " Endless happiness! " Turns " Endless content life! Respectfully wishes everybody ~ everything extraordinarily good luck, to be year after year pleasant, Lian Xingda to transport, to make money! The grand plan big exhibition, makes a rapid career advance, the prosperous lucky good luck! The Year of the Ox transfers the universe * Putian to open the scenery to transport * the good luck successive years! "
2009-01-07 3:07 am
Wishes you 2009 to have " Turns " Endless joy! " Turns " Endless harvest! " Turns " Endless bill! " Turns " Endless smiling face! " Turns " Endless happiness! " Turns " Endless content life! Respectfully wishes everybody ~ everything extraordinarily good luck, to be year after year pleasant, Lian Xingda to transport, to make money! The grand plan big exhibition, makes a rapid career advance, the prosperous lucky good luck! The Year of the Ox transfers the universe * Putian to open the scenery to transport * the good luck successive years! "
參考: 自己創作

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