Sell product in retail store

2009-01-07 12:13 am
Anyone know how can I sell my company product in Ikea, Wal-mart those big retail shop? how can I contact them and ask them to place my product in their store? thanks...

回答 (1)

2009-01-21 8:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
IKEA and WAL-MART is a big company and it is hard to get into their shop if they do not know you.

1. You have to find out the merchandising or purchasing incharge person in those companies. Try to contact them (cold call) and send you product catalogue and company profile to them. If they find your product is good and your company is reliable, they may discuss the terms with you for putting your product into their store.

2. You may ask your friends who are selling to them to introduce you to them. Connection is very important for doing the business with them.

3. You can build up a website. The sourcing people from them may find your product on the website searching and contact you for presentation. of course, you have to build a very attractive website for helping you to attract the purchaser.
參考: Personal experiences.

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