F.1 - Scale of Map

2009-01-06 5:14 pm
Pls help to solve the following questions, many tks.

1. The scale of a map shows the number of times the actual features are ______ since a map is smaller than the area it shows.

2. The larger the scale, the ______ size of the feature is.

回答 (1)

2009-01-06 6:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. The scale of a map shows the number of times the actual features are reduced since a map is smaller than the area it shows.

The purpose of scale is to show the ratio between actual and reduced size of an object shown on the map.

2. The larger the scale, the smaller size of the feature is.

For example, a large-scale map covrs a smaller area and the things are shown more clearly. In contrast, a small-scale map covers a larger area and the things are shown less clearly.
參考: From my form 1 geo book.

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