
2009-01-06 4:41 pm
please provide EXAMPLE. Thanks

anymore examples? Hehe

回答 (3)

2009-01-06 6:01 pm
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洗黑錢 (俗稱打 turn) 係指將犯法攞番嚟嘅錢(黑錢),用啲方法將佢變成睇落合法嘅錢。其他中文地區通常會就咁叫洗錢,但廣東話「洗錢」同「使錢」(用錢)同音,所以都係叫番全名。而且「洗黑錢」個「洗」亦都同「使錢」個「使」無關,只係因為最早期有罪犯用洗衫鋪掩飾,將黑錢當做鋪頭合法收入,所以就叫做「洗黑錢」

2009-01-10 4:48 pm
洗钱”是指通过金融或其他机构将非法所得转变为“合法财产”的过程,这已成为犯罪集团生存发展的一个非常关键的环节。一方面,通过洗钱,有组织犯罪掩盖了其犯罪活动踪迹,得以“正当地享受”犯罪所得;另一方面,洗钱为犯罪集团介入合法企业提供了资金,使其能够以“合法掩护非法” ,不断扩大犯罪势力。


2009-01-06 6:07 pm
Money laundering is the practice of engaging in financial transactions in order to conceal the identity, source, and/or destination of illegally gained money, and is a main operation of the underground economy.
In the past, the term "money laundering" was applied only to financial transactions related to organized crime. Today its definition is often expanded by government regulators to encompass any financial transaction which generates an asset or a value as the result of an illegal act, which may involve actions such as tax evasion or false accounting. As a result, the illegal activity of money laundering is now recognized as potentially practiced by individuals, small and large businesses, corrupt officials, members of organized crime (such as drug dealers or the Mafia), and even corrupt states, through a complex network of shell companies and trusts based in offshore tax havens. Smurfing and kiting, FX trading or even Gambling are examples of money laundering techniques.
The increasing complexity of financial crime, the increasing recognized value of so-called "financial intelligence" (FININT) in combating transnational crime and terrorism, and the speculated impact of capital extracted from the legitimate economy has led to an increased prominence of money laundering in political, economic, and legal debate.
Good examples are in http://howcome886.blogspot.com/2008/08/money-laundry.html

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