Why do some guys make babies and then leave?

2009-01-05 9:54 pm
is it that they are not ready to be a father? they don't want to be tied down? what do you think?

guess my "bf" is a jerk too. he's never around

回答 (8)

2009-01-05 10:13 pm
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I wish I knew the answer. My ex bf and I planned this baby together and two months into the pregnancy he said he wasn't ready for a serious relationship or to be a Dad. Well too bad! You are a Dad. I don't buy those excuses because he was so excited and one day did a 180. I personally think maybe he went to a party, got drunk, hooked up with a girl and perhaps saw that he could still have fun. Its not fair. I trusted him with my life! I love my daughter to death but its not fair how he could run off while I struggle on my own. I would do anything to get him back because we weren't even fighting when he left! There were no hints or anything. I'm now 31 weeks and 5 days pregnant and I haven't seen him since I was 12 weeks pregnant. We sometimes talk, but usually he ignores my messages. All I can say is I hope my daughter has my responsibility gene and not his.
2009-01-05 10:19 pm
Unfortunately not everyone that makes a baby is responsible...your question could be turned around to read why do some women use abortion as a form of contraception, or why do some women abort against a mans wishes.

It's a sad fact that some people just don't respect pregnancy and parenthood for the miracle that it is. I could hazard many guesses as to why people make babies and then leave/don't follow it through but I'd put my largest bet on fear of the unknown. I'm scared silly at the thought of being a mum sometimes and my pregnancy is both wanted and planned.

If your trapped in this situation it must be tough..I'd try to focus your energies on looking after yourself and preparing to be a mum. Hopefully he'll come round once he sees his beautiful baby..I would try and find out where I stand financially though. Good luck xx
2009-01-05 10:01 pm
Well for me it was because I don't think he was able to handle being a father, and especially younger guys. All my friends have gotten pregnant and their baby's dads all left them for someone else. I really think its because they don't want to be responsible for their actions and be tied down.
2009-01-05 10:00 pm
Lots of reasons. Why do some women make babies and then have an abortion?
2009-01-05 9:59 pm
It's just like Dodge Ball. Everyone is having fun until somebody gets hurt. Another words they like the fun of trying to make the baby ,but when its time to take care of them and grow up they leave. Sad I know ,but not all guys do this so HORRAY for the ones who don't. :)
2009-01-05 9:59 pm
because they are cowards and jerks. they are not men....they don't realize it takes two to tango and think that because they don't have to carry that baby for 9 months then they also don't have to be responsible.
2009-01-06 12:46 am
they don't want babies but want the real sex
2009-01-05 10:00 pm
I think the guys that leave are the ones that think it won't happen to me, and now that did happen he's scared, and he doesn't feel ready, he feels he's too young, but if you are mature enough to have sex you are mature enough to take on the responsibility. I think it's very sad. He's not man he's just a boy.

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