
2009-01-06 5:36 am
1)John was sent to prison.

2)His mother went to "the" prison to visit him last week.

但第1句不用加"the" 第2句就要呢??


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回答 (2)

2009-01-06 6:25 pm
For locations that imply special activities, e.g. school for studying, church for religious activities, hosiptal for medical care ,etc, We do not use any article.

e.g. I did not go to school yesterday.
He was taken to hospital.
She goes to church every Sunday morning.

If one goes to such a location not for its special activity, then an article is required.

e.g. The electrician went to the school yesterday to repair the lighting system.
2009-01-06 8:42 am
如果係第一次出現ge noun都吾會加the,只有前文有講過,先至會加the, 係呢度,因為第一句prison係第一次出現,所以無article,之後就講佢mama去果個prison探佢,係度係因為prison之前已出現過,所以要加the.

如果我無記錯ge話,一樣野係世界只得一個,就會加the,就好似地球咁,只係得一個,所以都會用the Earth.

Today, I want the go the park which is near by my house.

參考: me

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