
2009-01-06 4:42 am

background: 有個人佢唔見左wallet, 佢登報紙話搵到佢銀包就俾返一萬蚊佢做報酬, 咁之後有個女仔幫佢搵到, 佢冇俾到錢個女仔同埋個女仔都唔知當時會有酬金呢樣野。到之後佢先睇報紙知道原來有錢收..

1. 咁樣係invitation定係treat?
2. why?
3. 咁個女仔可唔可以問返佢拎d錢?
4. 個女仔一早已經見到個廣告知道執到有一萬蚊, 但點知俾返個人之後佢先話原來係一千蚊, 咁究竟佢係可以得到一千定一萬蚊??

唔該大家呀.....................................................100000000000000萬個thanks again!!!

it's law of contract..


我唔知你係咪想呃分定係誤會左我, 呢個係我legal study既功課, 你係咪睇唔清楚個問題? 如果係我本人我無需要問係INVITATION定係TREAT.. ANYWAY,,THANKS FOR YOUR KINDLY AND USEFUL ADVICE

回答 (3)

2009-01-14 9:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
1,2) Generally, advertisements are invitations to treat, so the personadvertising is not compelled to sell to every customer. In Partridge v Crittenden[1968]1WLR 1204, it was held that where the appellant advertised to sellwildbirds, was not offering to sell them. In certain circumstanceshowever,an advertisement can be an offer, a well known example beingthe case of Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Company[1893]1 QB 256.

The current facts are more closely aligned to the Carbolic Smoke Ball case,since the person probably act in good faith in promising the reward.The advertisement also requires a single party to act to form acontract(anyone returning the wallet). Hence, I believe that it is anunilateral offer.

001 made a fatal mistake in thinking thatwhenever there is no contract, there is no offer. That is not the case.In the current case, there is an offer but no acceptance and hence nocontract.

3) The lady cannot ask for the money. In R v Clarke,itwas held that a person who, in ignorance of the offer, performs the actrequested by the offeror has not accepted the offer and is not entitledto sue.

4) A helpful case to this is Hartog v Colin & Shields.In this case, the offeror intended to sell hare skins at 10d per skin,but mistakenly put it down as 10d per lb in the contract. The judgefound in Colin & Shields favour on the grounds that the offereemust have realised the offeror's error, which, as it concerned a termof the contract, rendered the contract void. In the current case, thelady should have realise that $10,000 is an excessive reward for awallet and hence the contract would be void for mistake. Thisdemonstrates the objective interpretation of conduct in contract law.Hence, the girl need to be paid $1000 only.

2009-01-14 01:39:08 補充:
2009-01-18 7:02 am
2009-01-06 6:03 am

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