f 6 chem 問題

2009-01-06 1:24 am
Ag2O有冇covalent character of ionic bond? 如果有, y heat佢就可拆佢ge ionic bond?

其實係咪1粒cation+1粒anion先有polarization發生? 如果我地就咁heat AgCl係咪拆唔到佢個bond? 因我見到AgCl ge lattice enthalpy比NaCl ge 更加負ge負數。

另外, 我想問如果個問題係y mp of NaCL > KCl,

我答因Na+ ge ionic radius < K+, charge density of Na+ >K+, then electrostatic attraction between the Na+ and Cl- > K+ and Cl- , 所以mp of NaCL > KCl.

有冇問題? 以al 程度黎講, 夠唔夠?


其實睇2種ionic bond邊個勁d, 唔係可以用佢地ge lattice enthalpy 黎比較ga咩?


但係-lattice enthalpy 唔係代表break 個 ionic bond要用ge energy架咩? 咁energy要越多, 咪好自然個bond 都越strong ?.

回答 (1)

2009-01-06 2:25 am
✔ 最佳答案

Ag2O有冇covalent character of ionic bond? 如果有, y heat佢就可拆佢ge ionic bond?

Ag2O 有 covalent character of ionic bond,不過由 O 的 electronegativity 很高,被 polarize 的程度較低,所以主要還是 ionic bond.

不清楚你所說的 heat 佢就拆 ionic bond 是甚意思。純粹拆 ionic bond 是指 boiling point 高,但 Ag2O 在常壓下加熱,未到熔點已進行 decomposition 變成 Ag 和 O2。
4Ag2O(s) → 4Ag(s) + O­­2(g)
但若果考慮以上 decomposition,則不能只考慮 Ag2O(s) 的 strength of ionic bonds,要是要把 the strength of ionic bonds in 4 moles of Ag2O 與 the strength of metallic bonds of 4 moles of Ag 和 the strength of O=O double covalent bonds in 1 mol of O2 比較。

其實係咪1粒cation+1粒anion先有polarization發生? 如果我地就咁heat AgCl係咪拆唔到佢個bond? 因我見到AgCl ge lattice enthalpy比NaCl ge 更加負ge負數。

In polarization, a cation polarizes a anion.

In AgCl crystals, Ag+ ions polarize Cl- ions. However, this does NOT mean that the bonding forces cannot be broken by heating. Actually, the boiling point of AgCl is 1550oC, and all bonding forces between Ag+ and Cl- ions are completely broken.

另外, 我想問如果個問題係y mp of NaCL > KCl,
我答因Na+ ge ionic radius < K+, charge density of Na+ >K+, then electrostatic attraction between the Na+ and Cl- > K+ and Cl- , 所以mp of NaCL > KCl.

It is not necessary to consider the charge density. The melting point of an ionic compound depends on:
(1) The charge on the anion, and that on the cation: The higher the charge, the stronger the ionic bond is.
(2) The distance between the anion and cation: The shorter distance between the anion and the cation, the stronger the ionic bond is.

Each of Na+ and K+ carries one positive charge, but Na+ is smaller in size than K+. Therefore, the Na+-Cl- interionic distance in NaCl is shorter than the K+-Cl- interionic distance in KCl. This leads to stronger ionic bonds in NaCl.

2009-01-05 19:50:03 補充:
lattice enthalpy of ionic compounds 最主要受兩個因素影響:
(1) strength of ionic bonds
(2) lattice structure

所以 lattice enthalpy of ionic compouds 只可粗略比較 strength of ionic bonds.

2009-01-05 23:57:24 補充:
Lattice enthalpy is the energy released when the lattice of 1 mole of ionic compound is formed from its gaseous constituent ions.

(-Lattice enthalpy) is the energy released when the lattice of 1 mole of ionic compound is broken to form its gaseous constituent ions.

2009-01-05 23:58:41 補充:
That is:
The magnitude of energy needed to break the lattice of 1 mole of ionic compounds to form its gaseous constituent ions is equal to the magnitude of lattice enthalpy.

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