英譯中bid a chilly

2009-01-06 12:28 am
More than 330000 revellers crowded both sides of habour last night to bid a chilly but boisterous farewell to year many would rather forget
and usher in 2009.
其中 bid a chilly 中文解什麼?要配合句中意義
而在句中 many是否形容 reveller?
would rather forget and usher in 2009 又有什麼意思 ? 

回答 (4)

2009-01-07 2:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
尋晚超過33萬個節日狂歡者聚集在港口兩岸,冒住嚴寒熱烈地向大部份人都寧願忘記的一年作出告別和迎接2009的到來.首先,bid a farewell或bid a good night是英文常見用法,解作迎接告別,歡樂事情.句中人群要迎接的是一個chilly but boisterous的farewell.chilly同boisterous都是形容詞,bid是動詞,to bid a chilly and boisterous farewell迎接一個嚴寒但充滿熱情的告別儀式.而many would rather forget是用來修飾year,我們farewll to year 個year是個怎麼樣的年,是一個大家都唔想記住寧願忘記的2008年.而many是指330000個revellors當中的大多數,是用來形容revellers的,若指全部則用all.
2009-01-06 9:33 pm
天才答案, 英文奇才, 小弟也不敢試答了!
2009-01-06 4:36 am
to bid farewell = to say goodbye NOT 出價寒冷!!!!!!!!!!!!

2009-01-05 20:37:23 補充:
What is "出價寒冷" in Chinese? Oh my lord!!!!!!!!!! @________@
2009-01-06 4:18 am
其中 bid a chilly 中文解 : 出價寒冷

在句中 many不是形容 reveller

would rather forget and usher in 2009解: 寧願忘記,迎接2009年

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