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Universities in Hong Kong
by 2008 Web Popularity Ranking
This page includes a list of accredited HK Universities and Colleges sorted by web popularity ranking.
Prospective students can start from here to find top undergraduate or postgraduate courses in Hong Kong.
Lecturers and University staff can start from here to search for HK Colleges and Universities with whom to establish co-operative education programs, student exchanges or simply research education information.
About University rankings
Many national and international websites and newspapers provide annual rankings of Universities and Colleges based on several criteria. For many years, they have undertaken both statistical and reputational ratings / rankings of Colleges and attempted to provide relevant information to prospective students. Increasingly, the importance and validity of University and College rankings is a highly debated issue. Many Universities, including highly ranked ones, are beginning to question both the data and methods used by some ranking services. Of special concern are the aspects of the rankings / ratings which deal with the "difficult to measure" concept of institutional reputation. The aim of this website is to provide an approximate ranking of world-wide Universities and Colleges based on the popularity of their website only. We do not claim to rank Universities by their reputation, quality of education or level of services provided.
1 University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong
2 Chinese University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong
3 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Hong Kong
4 City University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong
5 Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Hong Kong, Nansha, Shenzen
6 Hong Kong Baptist University
Hong Kong
7 Hong Kong Institute of Education
Hong Kong
8 The Open University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong
9 Lingnan University
Hong Kong
10 Hong Kong Shue Yan University
Hong Kong
11 Chu Hai College
Hong Kong
12 Hong Kong Adventist College
Hong Kong