
2009-01-05 8:34 am

唔該幫我翻譯成英文.. 萬分感激

回答 (8)

2009-01-05 9:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
I don't know whether you like me or not. If you like me, I hope you can give me one more chance to love you, cherish you, protect you, and make you happy. No matter what your answer is, I hope you can give me a reply.
參考: I am a HKU graduate, majoring in English language and literature. I translate the passage by myself, not by translation website.
2009-01-07 1:23 am
I know you like I do you, if you like I say, I hope you one more chance than I love you, cherish you, protect you, make you happy, no matter what your answer is, all I hope you can give I reply
2009-01-05 9:30 pm
I do not know you like me or not , if your Zhong Yi I already the words, hoped that you may I love you compared to many opportunities, treasures you, protects you, makes you to be joyful, regardless of your answer is anything, hoped that you may give me to reply
參考: me
2009-01-05 7:35 pm
I wonder if you like me, if you do, hope you would give me another chance to love you, to cherish, to protect you & bring you happiness.
I am expecting to have your answer regardless it's a yes or no.
參考: Own
2009-01-05 9:54 am
I do not know your clock not Zhong Yi I, if your Zhong Yi I already the words, hoped that you may I love you compared to many opportunities, treasures you, protects you, makes you to be joyful, regardless of your answer is anything, hoped that you may give me to reply
參考: 盡晒力
2009-01-05 9:37 am
I don't know are you love me ,if you love me, Iwish you can give me a chance again to love you,to treasure you,to protect you,to make you happy.No matter are what is your anser, I
just want you to reply me.
參考: me
2009-01-05 8:58 am
I have no idea if you like me or not. If you do, I hope that you will give me one more chance, so as to let me deliver my love to you, cherish every moment with you, put my arms around you, and make you happy until all the sadness is gone. I would like to hear from you no matter what you think about me.
參考: 手譯
2009-01-05 8:43 am
I why you like me, if you like, then I hope that you can be more than an opportunity for me to love you and cherish you, protect you, make you happy, no matter what your answer is, all you can hope for I reply
參考: 唔知係唔係

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