of some kind點用??

2009-01-05 6:00 am
A person with a disability of some kind may tend to feel unattractive.
A person with some kind of a disability may tend to feel unattractive.

同埋of some kind點用??

回答 (2)

2009-01-05 7:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
A person with a disability of some kind may tend to feel unattractive.
A person with some kind of a disability may tend to feel unattractive.

- The answer is yes, but we have to delete the “a” before disability in both sentences so they become:

A person with disability of some kind may tend to feel unattractive.
A person with some kind of disability may tend to feel unattractive.

- To make the meaning clearer, we should add “themselves” into the sentence since without such, the sentence is incomplete. It may mean that “the person tends to feel unattractive of certain thing(s). Therefore we can change the sentence as follows:

A person with disability of some kind may tend to feel themselves unattractive.
A person with some kind of disability may tend to feel themselves unattractive.

of some kind點用 : it is used exactly the same as “some kind of”
I have bad habit of some kind which makes other people angry.
I have some kind of bad habit which makes other people angry.

2009-01-05 00:16:04 補充:
Correction :

Please change all "themselves" to "himself", since we are talking about "A person". Sorry for neglecting this in my answer.
參考: Myself
2009-01-05 7:33 am
A person with some kind of disability may tend to feel themselves unattractive.

請用中文寫出這句英文的意思 . 好嗎 ?

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