
2009-01-05 4:44 am
我在武林群俠傳的官網中,見到佢既需求:ATIRADEON7200 咁請問姐係幾mb?如果用內置卡,唔知幾mb= =


我用係新原廠機,1gb ram,160gb既harddisk 1.60g cpu 但係唔知內置卡幾多,如果冇左會有咩影響?

回答 (2)

2009-01-05 5:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
Radeon™ 7200
* Powered by the Radeon™ 7200 graphics processing unit (GPU)
* 64MB of powerful single data rate (SDR) memory
* Featuring ATI's Charisma Engine™, Pixel Tapestry™ and Video Immersion™ technologies
* Integrated Transformation, Clipping and Lighting (T&L)
* Accelerates today's top 3D games
* Industry leading video playback
* Supports 3D resolutions (32-bit color) up to 2048x1536
* AGP 2.0 Compliant BUS - AGP 2X (3.3V), AGP 4X (1.5V), or AGP2X/4X based systems
* Video-out option available for European customers
* Designed and manufactured by ATI
* Featuring Catalyst™ - ATI's industry-leading software suite with frequently scheduled free updates providing additional features and performance over the product's lifetime

上面係簡介, 可以喺網上search 下你張內置卡, 睇下符唔符合!!

PS: 除非你個內置卡好勁, 否則, 我都係建議你買過張"外置", 就算呢個game玩倒, 其它都未必, 到時都係要買!!!
參考: ATI Website
2009-01-05 5:08 am
ATI7200是基本需求, 應用支援DX9.0或以上才可暢順!!!
如用內置顯卡可試在BIOS中分64MB或128MB作緩衝就可以, 若現用底板太舊打得吾順就加張顯卡喇, 先查用甚麼介面(AGP或PCI-E)買張入門約300元的已足夠玩此GAME...

2009-01-04 21:10:18 補充:
AGP = Geforce 6200A/256MB約280元

PCI-E = Geforce 8400GS/256MB約300元

收錄日期: 2021-04-19 13:19:43
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