英國邊d大學有得讀graphic design?

2009-01-05 12:55 am

回答 (2)

2009-01-05 6:27 am
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halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫 =]
如果話係出名既design學院, London Central St. Martin College 就係最好了, 好出名的, 而london design uni 入面既Chelsea College of Art and Design都好出名的:)
如果要出名既大學 (唔係睇Design)既話, oxford, cambridge (fine art), UCL, reading都有, 如果想讀design 既話uni of reading同埋uni of southampton所直屬既winchester sku of art都幾好的 :)
俾呢一個網址你睇丫, 係design sku既ranking, 2008年的::
希望幫到你丫, 有d咩問題再email我丫:)
參考: 多年uk留學exp =]
2009-01-09 1:36 am
I heard from teachers that they told me University of the Arts London is quite good in many design and they have very famous alumni. You can read their website: www.arts.ac.uk
The teacher told me that they have HK office too. You can go to find them and ask.

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