
2009-01-04 9:29 pm
The possible source of the case trace to a shenzhen restaurant.

The possible source of the case tracing to a shenzhen restaurant.


回答 (4)

2009-01-04 9:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The possible source of the case can be traced through a restaurant in Shenzhen.

Would you show me what you want to talk about in Chinese?

I am not quite sure what you mean.

2009-01-06 11:42 am
The possible source of the case can be traced back to a restaurant in Shenzhen.


The possible source of the case traces back to a restaurant in Shenzhen.
2009-01-04 11:23 pm
The possible source of the case trace to a shenzhen restaurant.
參考: me
2009-01-04 9:44 pm
Both are wrong. Actually, what do u wanna mean?

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