講述電視/電影內容, 應該用咩tense?

2009-01-04 5:50 pm
Case 1: 同朋友一齊睇緊套野, 大家討論緊故事內容
Case 2: 朋友行開左, 得番自己睇, 之後朋友返黎, 我講番佢miss左o個part
Case 3: 同朋友講一套我n年前睇過既戲.

有時都唔知應該用咩tense, 究竟係睇我講既時間, 定故事發生既時間呢? 好混亂........

希望有人可以教下我, 最好有例子, thx.

回答 (1)

2009-01-04 9:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Case 1: 同朋友一齊睇緊套野, 大家討論緊故事內容
1) to talk about someone or something
- That waiter was so stupid!
He should HAVE OPENED the door for the rich man.
( to tell your friends what the waiter should have done)
He should've opened .........<-------------Contraction ( oral English)
- She've already called someone. ( to remind your friends of what she HAS DONE)
I think she is going to go out. ( Your thought here)
( This action has not yet taken place in the movie)<------

Case 2: 朋友行開左, 得番自己睇, 之後朋友返黎, 我講番佢miss左o個part
PAST TENSE;present perfect tense and XXXXX
- Julia has left Peter<---------------
- A serial killer killed Jane. <------------
- Oh! You've missed the best part, Ming Jai( your friend).
Tom Cruise finally stole the secret box.

Case 3: 同朋友講一套我n年前睇過既戲.
Mainly past tense + XXXXX
I saw the movie " ......" a few years ago.
The actors and actresses performed so well.
...... was the lead actor and ......... was the lead actress.
Jane was Peter's girlfriend in the movie.
We do talk about the past with present tense.( exciting scenes)
Here is a good example for you
A: Jane, I saw something frightening in Jordan yesterday afternoon.
B: Really? What did you see?
A: At around 2 pm, I see 5 masked men get off a van outside a bank.
They rush into the bank, point their guns at everyone,
ordering them to get down on the floor . One of the robbers jumps
over to a counter ,points his gun at a female teller's temple and orders her to open the safe or something.( To talk about this on-going action with present tense)
I was totally shocked! ( past tense here )
To tell B how you felt at that time in the past<-------
B: Did you call 999?
A: Yes, I did.
Now you know we may talk about some on-going actions in the past with present tense.
This tense can be applied to any of the situations above.

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