
2009-01-04 8:57 am

Good morning everybody. My name is Karlie,i am a Form 5 science student and currently 17 years old and i am very happy to introduce myself to all of you here.
I very like this name because it created by me,and therefore i think it is unique! But since i seach this name in the internet,i can see many many-------"Karlie",such as google,yahoo,etc...i was very surprised and i think my name is not special now! i also have a nick name,it's call curry..i think it's very strange and i don't know the reason,although my friend call me this very long time!
Everyone have goodness and weakness , i am not exceptional. I always extremely nervous in my examination so i made a careless mistake everytime. I hate making people feel boring so i will do or say many things interesting,i think it is the reason that i have many friends!In addition,when i want to do something,i will do my best and never give up, although it is more difficult.
now i have two goals,one is i will use some ways to be serious exchanging nervous in my exam;Another goal is i will put effort in my studies in order to get better results and i will try my best to learn and improve.

回答 (2)

2009-01-04 5:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
[I need to split this...it's over the word limit]

Good morning, everyone. I'm Karlie, 17 years old, a form 5 student from _____your school name_____ doing sciences. I'm delighted to introduce myself to you.

I made my name up by myself and I love it so much, thought that it's extraordinary. However, when I looked it up on the internet by using various search engines, it came up with so many reults and I was shocked by that! It's now making my feel so common.
[註:講 I love it so much時個love字,可以講重少少同埋拉長少少個 l 同 ove 既時間。讀成 l-ove。讀 so 時可加長個 o 音,咁可以加重你鍾意呢個名既感情表達,同時記住笑,加少少你鍾意一樣野既語氣]

I have another name called Curry, I think it's such a strange name but I don't know why even though my friends have been calling me by this name for years.
[其實我唔係好捉到你呢段入面想講既野,我就咁 rephrase左少少]

Everyone's got their strengths and weaknesses, so do I.
[so do I 可以講得肯家D,停一、兩秒再講以下…]
I very often get extremely nervous about exams, making careless mistakes everytime without exception.
I never like people feeling bored around me, so I always try to bring up anything interesting to create a better atmosphere. [呢段我改左少少,又do又say有少少 cum氣^^"] That might be the reason that I've got so many friends around me! [其實呢句有少少驕傲,不過我諗it won't matter that much]

2009-01-04 09:48:37 補充:
Also, I always do my best and never give up until I finished the task that I'm working on no matter how complicated it is. [我估你講 difficult係指你做個樣野無論幾難幾深奧都要完成佢。如果你係指去完成一樣野係一件好難做到既事你就用:......until I finished that task that I'm working on, even though finishing is sometimes difficult.]

2009-01-04 09:49:13 補充:
I have two aims at the moment: first of all, rather than being so nervous sitting for exams, I need to get myself to treat them more seriously to limit, or even better, to avoid making anymore careless mistakes.

2009-01-04 09:49:24 補充:
Secondly, I will put much more effort also do my best in my studies in order to acheive better grades.
[我覺得 i will try my best to learn and improve有少少自打嘴巴既感覺因為你之前講 i will do my best and never give up為你既長處]

2009-01-04 09:49:54 補充:
之後加句 Thank you very much.

english speaking 同中文speaking一樣,同書寫既文法唔同。speaking既方法、態度、語氣、用詞等等都depends on who you are speaking to and the situation.

2009-01-04 09:50:03 補充:
因為english本身係一個好jolly既language,而如果english as your second language你都可以講得咁輕鬆既話亦證明到你好有信心,而你自己亦會被呢個氣氛感染而無咁緊張


2009-01-04 09:50:12 補充:

笑多D呀,especially講 Thank you very much,可以笑到眼咪咪咁!

good luck! i am sure you will be fine!
參考: myself, myself, myself, myself, myself, myself, myself
2009-01-04 10:38 am
Good morning, everybody! My name is Karlie.I am 17 (years old) and a science student in form 5. I am very pleased to introduce myself to all of you here today.
I liked my name so much because I created it and found it quite unique. After seeing my name everywhere on tons of websites, Google,Yahoo,etc, I don't think
(that) my name is that cool.By the way, I have a nickname. You may call me" Curry".I know it's such a strange name, but my friends started calling me this a long time ago.
Everyone has merits and weaknesses; I am no exception (to this fact). I always get extremely nervous during examinations and that leads me to make whole bunch of careless mistakes . Also, I hate making people feel bored, so I always try to do or say many different things to help them feel happy and relaxed. I suppose that is the reason why I have so many friends. In addition,when I want to do something,Iwill do my best and never give up.No matter how difficult it is, I always want to complete it.
Now I have two goals. My first goal is to find some ways of helping myself
overcome my nervousness during exams and the other goal is to put more effort into my studies in order to get better results and I will surely pay more attention in class and improve myself .
Yahoo is a great text chopper!!!!!!!!! Sigh!

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