Why do people keep posting questions saying they hate their parents?

2009-01-03 3:52 pm
I mean you should be lucky you have them. I grew up an orphan, I was in and out of care homes, foster families and when I was adopted it fell apart. You only have one set of parents who try their best to give their kids a good life but most people are so selfish they can't see past the material goods, etc. So what if your parents say no to a cell phone, no to having a games constole or no to anything else. I grew up with out most things and it doesn't matter.
Instead of saying you hate your parents think about the children who don't have families for once in your life.

回答 (16)

2009-01-03 3:57 pm
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Very good point! I also hate all the "I hate my evil mother-in-law" questions. It seems that a lot of young wives (or live-ins) today have zero tolerance for their husband's mom. Shame on them!
2009-01-04 12:22 am
I think you're right no one should hate his parents because of a cell phone or games or anything else , but when your parents make you work in the age of 12 and 13 and say that they wish you were never born and make your life like hell everyday you have the right to hate them.
2009-01-04 12:01 am
I know there are alot of spoiled brats out there, but there are also bad parents too. If you were orphaned and turned out good, that is amazing. You have learned about life the hard way. Some kids also learned about life the hard way with drug addicts and alcoholic parents, abusive parents, and parents who are narcissistic. Be happy for how you turned out and do the best you can if you have kids or have kids. To me doing the best you can to raise kids is hard today. If you can get through it and have older kids that love you in the end, you've accomplished more than the CEO of the biggest multinational company in the world.
2009-01-04 12:42 am
Well my father held a knife to my throat, nearly killed my uncle and threatened all my family, including my baby niece.
So i do hate my parent, i think you are being very one sided, just because you grew up with-out parents it doesn't mean people who do have parents are living the high life.
At least if you are fostered you are checked up on and you know you're not living with a maniac, where as people who aren't don't get checked up on.
2009-01-04 12:11 am
because teenagers nowadays are basically losing whatever dignity they were born with. the generations are just going downhill from here...i wonder if the future generations can get some common sense back...
2009-01-04 12:07 am
people keep posting questions saying they hate THEIR PARENTS
i think they just talk about their argue with their parents and little of them really hate their parents.And sometimes even you love your parents when there is an argue , people just think something bad about their parents at that moment such as why she is so stubborn
?? However people still love their parents in their gut feelings
2009-01-04 12:06 am
You are just pointing out the churlish and immature behaviour of SOME ungrateful kids, who do not yet understand what life is really about.I come from a broken home,we had nothing,my dad managed to raise us by himself (god bless him )We grew up grateful for anything we could get and got little jobs to try and buy more food .We were always down the railway lines looking for coal so we could get warm.As you say,if you vallue nothing ,it is because you have never earned it,many parents sacrificed their own life for their kids,its different now though,a lot of parents dont want to be bothered by the kids,they just have them because they think they should have that experience, but, adopt non of the ensuing responsibilty,so i can see where the modern kids attitudes are coming from.Indifference breeds indifference and lack of care and responsibility.I am immensley proud of my kids,they are a credit to themselves,they got stuck in at school and now run their own successful businesses,i always taught my daughters that if you want something you only have to work for it and never give up,thats just what they did.
參考: Many things are done and said in the heat of the moment,but you can never undo them.
2009-01-03 11:57 pm
I love my parents.
But for some people their families don't treat them very well, and maybe they think that to be in care would be lucky - as you'd get looked after better.
2009-01-03 11:56 pm
kids just say things like this, esp teenagers who cant get there own way, Im guessing they really dont mean it...plus hate is a very strong word!!
2009-01-03 11:58 pm
I agree with you. It's a beautiful thing to cherish your family. Most kids are so centered around material objects, it's sickening. I'm sorry you had so many hardships. It's tough times like yours that will make you an amazing parent & strong person.

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