I'm insecure around men. ?

2009-01-03 3:01 pm
Ok so i had bad experiences and especially with a guy friend wanting sex for his own satisfaction and me dumb enough to fall for him (never went too far) and in the process of getting over him and trying to move on but he's holding me back.. but thats not the question BTW..

its the fact i can't trust men no more, insecure around them ,some of them are only interested in one thing only. I'm scared of getting hurt even from some guy friends and it even disgusts me to see guys hurting other girls as well makes me wanna give one hard slap in the face.

is it me, all my head ?
do i hate guys?? if so what should i do?
I know not all men are like that but i cant help the way i think bout them to stop me wanting a b/f

回答 (10)

2009-01-03 3:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I think this is due to the fact that you have been meeting some wrong people and using the wrong methods to hold their heart. Sex is not something that I believe anyone should do for or with a boyfriend/girlfriend. Sex is to increase the mutual bonding between two, when they have been together long enough to spark love and haven't used sex.

If you start meeting some new people, and making new friends, you will probably find some new boys that aren't the hurting, manwhore type. How can you tell if it's a good boy or not? First of all, if they ask you about sex right from the beginning, they are probably not good. If you say no, and they say it's okay with them, they might not be all that bad, since they respect your decision. Go for it at least half a year before thinking about sex. It can do two things, ruin it, or make it better. Don't have sex a lot because that way, he'll lose his original feel for you and just want the pleasure.

Hope that helps!
2009-01-03 3:08 pm
Trust me, it hurts good guys when girls get hurt by bad guys.

I think what would be best for you is to stay single for a while. I do not know how old you are, but you seem young. Most younger guys are still boys and only want sex.

You need to have fun with your girls and ignore guys for a while. Learn how to stand on your own feet as a woman. That way, when you're secure about yourself, you can go back out finding a guy and if he lets you down, you won't be too affected badly because you know he isn't worth your time and anguish.

I went through a period of digust towards girls. I didn't hate them, but I felt the same way as you do now towards guys. You'll find a good guy someday, but you have to focus on bettering yourself first which is very important.
2009-01-03 3:07 pm
If you dwell on your past too much. Then your past will determine your future.

Try not to think so much of your bad experiences. Imagine what it would be like to find true love. And eventually you will find him.
2009-01-03 3:06 pm
I'm kinda the same way with women. I generally don't trust them because I've been burned a few times. You'll meet someone eventually. Just don't look at them like they're someone you could date right off. Try getting to know them well before you consider it.
2009-01-03 3:38 pm
Hon, we're ALL interested in that one thing - but some of us are considerate enough and ethical enough to realize you have specific wants and needs too, and we'll work hard to make sure you get those needs met in a relationship.
Your wanting to smack someone is not an appropriate response. I would suggest an anger-management class...and patience. Time heals many wounds. And don't be afraid of taking risks. After all, nothing ventured means nothing gained.
2009-01-03 3:19 pm
All relationships are a gamble sweetheart with the luck iv had with women im glad i don't think like you, It shouldn't put you off it should make you more determined to find that someone Special their are decent men out there not just wanting sex you need someone who can make you laugh that would make you feel less insecure
2009-01-03 3:09 pm
Truth is some men are like that. Not all of them however. You can never really know a man's true intentions. All I can really suggest you do is once you meet a guy, get to know him, and don't put out right away. I love it when I meet a girl, and when I think it's time to get intimate, she plays a bit of a tease. It makes it all more worthwhile later on.

Sex isn't always on our minds, but you have to remember that it is on our minds a lot :P
參考: Male
2009-01-03 3:08 pm
Hmmm...i got only one thing to tell you. I'm a guy (yes)..and yes i have gotten hurt by girls before (yes that is possible)...the only way for you to get over it...is to just throw yourself out there again...mix around with a guy friend or two...until you find the right one...you're not going to get anywhere if you just huddle up in a corner and cry "He hurt me!"...hope it helps...
2009-01-03 3:07 pm
Sometimes you need to shop for a guy in a different place to get away from the 'users'. Try getting involved in a club so you can get to know different kinds of guys. Have a little trust - just a little - and work slowly into talking to the guys in the club.
2009-01-03 3:06 pm
dont wory .... Men r like dat !!!! Dont slap them ....... Just b careful and dont trust men just like dat !!!!

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