My Boyfriend broke up w/ me a month ago.. But we still have sex.. is that ok?

2009-01-03 2:38 pm
Ok, So my Boyfriend broke up w/ me a month ago..
We've been together for one (1) month and a couple of weeks..
I really Like him a lot.. and do just about anything to be w/ him..
Although we are No longer together... He still calls me up to hang out..
and when we do.. we end up having sex.

But honestly..
I feel used!!
Im so sad.. :(
I really like this guy!


回答 (51)

2009-01-03 2:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You shouldn't be having sex with him if you two aren't in a relationship. I would suggest seeing a psychologist or a counselor, they might be able to help you.
2009-01-03 2:43 pm
Even though you still like this guy, it does not mean he still likes you. Now you have to think about it. Since you broke up, it would either mean you two are friends or just people. Would you call a friend up to have sex? If you say no, it means he's using you.

In my opinion, it isn't okay. Even though you may want it to happen since you still have feelings for him, he probably doesn't care. You may think sex may spark some feelings in him, but if he is a male that calls you to hang out and ends up having sex, he doesn't seem like the guy who cares about you at all, just his personal pleasure. Find someone else, and maybe have sex with them, even though sex isn't the only thing you can do with a boyfriend.
2009-01-03 3:23 pm
Oh come on!!! Surely you're intelligent enough to realise that the guy is just using you for sex? Get some self respect and do not let him use you like this for what he can get. Next time he comes round, send him packing and tell him exactly what i've told you!
2009-01-03 2:47 pm
i really don't want to sound mean
but i think you need to step back, away from your feelings and think to yourself 'what am i getting from this' because atm your not getting much apart from heartache.

you said the answer yourself, you feel used. i think deep down you've always known this your just hoping someone will tell you to keep trying so you can justify it to yourself. that wont happen hun :(

this boy clearly doesn't think about your emotions, and he obviously is only interested in sex. if that was all you wanted it would be fine, but its not and you will lower your self esteem this way.

who is this guy? no one right! hes just a guy! hes not as important to you as you are! so don't put his wants before your own ^-^
its simple, just make him feel as silly and as used as he has made you :P

trust me when you stop needing him and liking the attention of other boys nothing will feel better when hes ringing you up and you can say oh no actually im not into that anymore cya around!!! imagine how used and silly he'll feel!

and you can get on with your own life and find a real man who will care about all your feelings and whats best for you. because no one should come before yourself

really hope this helps!
meanwhile, change his number to 'dont answer!!!' it'l help remind you everytime he calls haha i did that with my ex ;)
and go out clubbing, dont go home with anyone or even kiss anyone... just lap up the attention and feel good about yourself knowing you can do better :D

2009-01-03 3:02 pm
It is not okay because he is using you. Don't hang out with him, go out with friends and/or family. Do other things without him. Put your foot down and say either we are together and having sex or not together and not having sex. When you break up with a person, you break up the physical side as well. You could catch something because you don't know what he is doing when you aren't around. Move on without him. It crushes a person feelings when this happens. Good Luck.
2009-01-03 2:56 pm
Well normally I would tell you to ask yourself if you are happy just having sex with him but judging from what you wrote you are not. You really should break that off. He is more then happy to put the time in to hang out with long enough to get "some", but when it comes time to commit he isn't around. Is there a reason that you would let him do that to you. You are a woman and you are in control. If you understood how many men there are in the world that would do anything to find somebody that they can care about and in return get the same care you wouldn't be wasting your time with this jerk. What you need to do is break it off with him. If he wants to kick it fine. But don't sleep with him. Once you stop giving up the booty and he understands that he is not going to get any I would bet anything that he stops hanging out.
Not what you want to hear but what you need to hear. Spend a little more time and energy doing something that you enjoy. Catch up with an old friend that you stopped hanging out with because of this loser. If you start paying attention to your surroundings you will find that there are multiple guys that are all ready in your everyday life that are interested in you and would love to treat you to dinner and a movie. I wish you the best of luck and I hope you find happiness again.
2009-01-03 2:45 pm
Have you ever heard the saying," Why buy the cow, when you can get the milk for free?" ? Basically if you don't require a commitment from him in order to give up the goodies, then he's not gonna offer it up. Men usully don't want to be tied into a relationship unless they are relly afraid of losing the one they are with. He knows you're gonna be there when he wants you, but doesn't have to be there for you at all. You should have a discussion with him, and be prepared to see him walk away for good. If he wanted to commit to you he would. Since he doesn't, you should respect yourself enough to push him out of your life.
2009-01-03 2:44 pm
If he really like you in the first place, why did you broke up? What's the use of breaking up if you guys still always together.

If you feel like being used, then get out with that kind of set up. It won't do you any good. Find someone who deserves your love and someone who will not use you. Good luck.
2009-01-03 2:42 pm
You are being used, but if you are both at least 18 and being safe and responsible, then it's your choice. Just realize he isn't interested in anything other than sex and some strings. That's why you two broke up. Although I have no issue against casual sex, this situation sounds like you've just set yourself up for a lot of emotional pain.

Move on honey. If you can't keep your emotions out of this situation, you shouldn't be in it.
2016-05-24 11:52 am
People need to learn to love themselves before they can love someone else. She does seem very insecure, and might just be enjoying the attention a relationship gives her, rather than actually being with you. You did the right thing in leaving her, she needs some time to discover who she is and where she stands. Break-ups are always difficult, so it's natural you'll miss her. But don't give in just because of that. The best thing for both of you would to make the break-up as clean as possible. Don't talk for a little while. This will give both of you time to decide what the next step in your lives are.
2009-01-03 2:50 pm
You ARE being used and you shouldn't be having sex with him ESPECIALLY if you are broken up. If you love him that much, ask him out again and if he doesn't want to, than obviously he doesn't feel the same way about you are he is using you for his pleasure. He is not the one getting hurt in this situation, you are and you need to take a stand and not go for this. I know it will be hard but you are the only one getting hurt so plz plz plz get out of it.

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