幫幫忙 翻譯成英文 ( 15點 )

2009-01-04 5:47 am
以下是一篇自我介紹(這句不用譯) :

我叫 kay。
我在2005年在 wai kui college 畢業,直至中5。
畢業後,在makeup forever 修讀化妝,考取國際文憑

回答 (5)

2009-01-04 6:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
Good morning interviewers
I am kay.
I was graduate in Wai Kui Collage in 2005.Until F.5
After I was graduate, I learnt makeup in"makeup forever", and got a international certification.
I was a part-time salesman during I was learning.
2009-01-04 6:25 am
Good morning, sirs/ma'ams (ladies and gentlemen)
I am Kay.
I graduated from Wai Kui College in 2005 after five years of secondary education.
Since my graduation, I have learnt the arts of make-up at Makeup Forever and received international certifications for my make-up skills.
I had been a temporal shop assitant the whole time and I am certain the communication skills I acquired from my last job will help me with this one.
I am qualified for the job and I am confident about it. I will value the opportunity if you offer me the job. I hope I can have the pleasure of working for you.
2009-01-04 6:15 am
Good morning everyone.
My name is Kay.
I studied in Wai Kui College until Form 5 and graduated in 2005.
After my graduation, i studied as a make-up stylist in Makeup Forever and got international diplomas.
During my study, i also worked as a part-time salesperson.
2009-01-04 6:07 am
Several interviewer the morning!
My name is kay.
I in 2005 wai kui college graduation until 5.
After graduation, in the makeup forever to take make-up, to obtain the International Baccalaureate
During this learning period has been doing part-time salesman tight.
2009-01-04 5:57 am
Good morning everyone!
I am kay.
In 2005,I was graduated from wai kui college until form 5 .
Then,I study makeup course in makeup forever and get international
diploma .
In that time,I do the part time of sale.
參考: myself

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