
2009-01-03 11:46 pm
At first ,I don't like any singers in Hong Kong because I think there is no good singers , but suddenly , when I watch the vedio of 李克勤 in youtube explained that he was not that popular in 1995 , I feel that he is really the one who loves singing and care about how the audience thing about him .

After that , I admire him a lot since he sings so well , and now he is my favourite singer in hong kong , and the only one , and I am going to watch his concert in Feb too .I wish that more people can support him ,because he is so nice and so real , not like those singers who are fake and pretending all the time :)

And I hope to know more about who support him :) and think about him :)

It is the first time i ever go to listen a concert because I really want to tell everyone that HE IS THE BEST :P

If you want to know more aobut him , watch this vedio , i am sure u will be touched by him too :)

靚到前無古人後無來者 Very good sentences to describe him :P

回答 (3)

2009-01-05 12:32 am
✔ 最佳答案

我都有買飛for the concert in Feb…xd
2009-01-13 12:04 am
我都係佢fans來的, 佢把聲真係靚到冇得頂呀. 你講得冇錯真係""前無古人後無來者"". 永遠都支持李克勤
參考: 李克勤FANS
2009-01-04 9:43 pm
哈囉, 我都係克勤的fans, 你講嗰條片我睇咗嘞, 嗰次演唱會我都有睇. 好精彩呀. 佢今年個Concert我都會去睇, 好爆呀, 不過我都撲到飛. 我會繼續支持佢, 希望喜歡佢嘅fans都會繼續支持佢.

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