
2009-01-03 9:49 pm
我剛在12月31日在法國買了一個LV錢包(EUR370), 但到機場稅退只退回人民幣300元, 想問一下在法國稅退不是12%嗎? 還有退稅櫃台話無港元所以要退回人民幣, 12%真的只有人民幣300元嗎? 請幫下我啦!

我現在已經回港, lv給我的藍紙都寫明係 EUR44.4, 但到機場退稅, 佢只給我人民幣300我都唔明白, 但又要趕上機.

回答 (3)

2009-01-06 7:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
They should give you back the same amount as appeared on the refund tax form...
Also RMB 300 is not the correct amount..but now its too late i think as you are already back to HK ...
But next time, make sure to ask them again...
2009-01-04 1:28 pm
Eur 370 x 12% x RMB 9.45 = 419.58RMB
2009-01-04 12:24 am
the point is are you still in france?
because once you leave the country, you cannot have the tax refund.
and they usually wont give you more $$ once you got it.

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