
2009-01-03 8:32 pm

可能我講得唔好 http://dl2.musicwebtown.com/eluk/playlists/31150/2120245.mp3 但係好似例如依句咁 入面name 至proceed 咁真係聽到佢明顯係到震緊 仲有佢地講野激動果陣都會好似咁震 點解ge


仲有cockney accent 好似成日有依種震

回答 (1)

2009-01-03 10:03 pm
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...I haven't seen a british guy -講英文會震-...

But if you want to 震, speak while vibrating your larynx. Don't vibrate it very often and intentionally. It should be naturally.

And if british guys -講英文會震-, that is their accent(and custom). So yeah we can't actually INTENTIONALLY learn their accents because we have our way to speak English as well(definitely not chenglish* :D)

2009-01-03 21:48:20 補充:
Oh this kind of vibrating. You will never use it when having a conversation with the others. Normally used in TV when someone is being a Narrator(doing an introduction and maybe all the rest of the parts of the SPOOKY story) or talking about a scary, spooky stories.

2009-01-03 21:48:28 補充:
You won't see anybody talking like that
(keep vibrating oh my god...if so I will be like what the heck?!) in real life.

2009-01-03 21:49:06 補充:
Exclude: Usually on aged woman, they will vibrate their larynx once in a while(usually saying the word "my name" or a word that you have to specifically make it out-standing). Only once in a while.

2009-01-03 21:49:10 補充:
And that once in a while means when you really want to make the word stands out more. If not don't use it, it will be kind of weird.

2009-01-03 21:50:25 補充:
How to vibrate: When you are saying sth, if you think you are approaching the "strong" word, you may vibrate your larynx when you encounter that word.

There have some examples below

2009-01-03 21:50:41 補充:
(Note: sometimes when vibrating a word, you won't sometimes JUST ONLY vibrate when that word comes by. You may have to start to vibrate your larynx when you encounter some words BEFORE the word which you really want to make it outstanding.

2009-01-03 21:50:56 補充:
And of course, that word is the word that you usually vibrate your voice THE MOST SERIOUS)
Examples (below)

2009-01-03 21:51:07 補充:
- *... (only vibrate that word) ** ... (start to vibrate)

Eg. I completely disagree with your etiquette just now. If not, this will not only show you are not having a proper etiquette, this also influence ** your impressions.

Eg. *Well, you should care about your stuff!

2009-01-03 21:53:11 補充:
Also we have to note that it is also a British accent. They tend to vibrate their voice in TV when:

.Introducing themselves

2009-01-03 21:55:26 補充:
Normally, these "aged vibrator" vibrate when they are being asked for their experiences, careers (one to one). In these conditions I've heard nearly 95% of aged female stars vibrate their larynx, seriously...

Hope this would be useful for you by the way!

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