
2009-01-03 9:54 am
薯片的由來 和 歷史?


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2009-01-03 4:42 pm
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在英語系國家對馬鈴薯食品的名字很少有一致性。美式英語對上面提到的食品稱chips;炸薯條(French fries)是指柔軟而會黏著的馬鈴薯。在英式英語中,crisps是酥脆的馬鈴薯而chips則是柔軟而會黏著的(如炸魚薯條)。在澳洲、紐西蘭和南美洲,脆的或是軟的薯片都叫做chips,一如較大的「家庭式」薯片。有時候'hot chips'和'packet chips'之間有差別。紐西蘭人也吃Kumara(甘薯)。

1853年8月24日,George Crum在美國紐約一流的度假勝地Saratoga Springs, New York當廚師。那裏的月亮湖旅館餐廳(Moon Lake Lodge)提供法國式炸馬鈴薯條,而喬治則按照標準的法國尺寸製作薯條。此食品於17世紀風靡法國,那時湯瑪斯·傑佛遜是美國駐法大使,他非常喜歡吃薯條。於是就把製作方法帶到美國,並在蒙蒂塞洛(Monticello)把炸薯條當作一道正式晚宴菜餚招待客人。



1920年代,自從發明了馬鈴薯削皮機,促使了薯片的流行。一個南方的旅行推銷員赫爾曼•雷(Herman Lay)幫助推廣了這種食品。他帶著皮箱在美國南部的雜貨店叫賣此機器,之後他更創立了公司,令他的名字幾乎成為薯片的同義詞。樂事薯片是第一個成功市場化的美國品牌。從1960年代開始,薯片開始於全世界流行開來。

在密封包裝發明之前,薯片是保存在大桶子或罐頭裡,在底部的薯片常常會不新鮮或潮濕。之後Laura Scudder發明了將兩張蠟紙燙在一起的袋子,從此創造了密封包裝並且保存薯片的新鮮度到開封的時候。時至今日,薯片是以乾燥空氣充入膠袋後密封包裝,防止壓碎。

薯片一直沒有加入調味料,這減少了它的魅力,直到一間叫Tayto的愛爾蘭薯片公司的擁有者,在1950年代發明了加入調味料的方法。雖然他只有一間小公司(這間公司的組成幾乎是他製作薯片的家人),但是這個老闆一直證明他自己是個創新的人。經過一些試誤(trial and error)後,他製造了世界上第一批加了調味料的薯片,"起司洋蔥(Cheese and Onion)"和"醋鹽(Salt and Vinegar)"。


Tayto公司的這項發明改變了整個薯片發展。在那之後薯片製造商在薯片裡加進天然或人工調味料,都有不同程度的成功,受到不同程度的歡迎。連發明人George Crum都感到很驚訝的是:一個本來只有很小的市場佔有率的產品,現在卻擁有了很多不同的口味和很大的市場佔有率。最受歡迎的薯片包括"酸奶油和洋蔥(sour cream and onion,)" "燒烤" and 乳酪口味的薯條。在其他的一些地方還有很多其他口味的薯片。象是愛爾蘭最大的薯片製造商Tayto 公司生產的傳統口味的"食鹽和醋(salt and vinegar)," 薯片。

一些薯片製造商,像是樂事(Lay's,或稱波卡),針對不同地區的喜好生產不同的口味。在北美洲特別值得注意的是,在部分加拿大地區有很多種口味可以選擇,包括蒔蘿泡菜(dill pickle),番茄醬,甚至是布丁口味。這些特別的口味偶爾會在美國限時發行。

2009-01-03 08:45:03 補充:
A potato chip or crisp is a thin slice of potato deep fried or baked until crisp. Potato chips serve as an appetizer, side dish, or snack. Commercial varieties are packaged for sale, usually in bags.

2009-01-03 08:45:16 補充:
The simplest chips of this kind are just cooked and salted, but manufacturers can add a wide variety of flavoring (mostly made using herbs, spices, cheese, artificial additives or MSG). Chips are an important part of the snack food market in English-speaking countries and many other Western nations.

2009-01-03 08:45:51 補充:
There is little consistency in the English speaking world for names of fried potato cuttings.

2009-01-03 08:46:08 補充:
American and Canadian-English uses 'chips' for the above mentioned dish -- this term is also used in continental Europe -- and sometimes 'crisps' for the same made from batter, and 'French fries' for the hot crispy batons with a soft core.

2009-01-03 08:46:40 補充:
In the United Kingdom and Ireland, 'crisps' are the brittle slices eaten at room temperature and 'chips' refer to the hot dish (as in 'fish and chips').

2009-01-03 08:46:54 補充:
In Australia, New Zealand and some parts of South Africa, both forms of potato product are simply known as 'chips', as are the larger "home-style" potato chips. Sometimes the distinction is made between 'hot chips' (French fried potatoes) and 'packet chips'.

2009-01-03 08:47:39 補充:
Non-potato based chips also exist. Kumara (sweet potato) chips are eaten in New Zealand and Japan; parsnip, beetroot and carrot crisps are available in the United Kingdom.

2009-01-03 08:48:07 補充:
India is famous for a large number of localized 'chips shops', selling not only potato chips but also other varieties such as plantain chips, yam chips and even carrot chips. In the Philippines, banana chips can be found sold at local stores. In Kenya, chips are made even from arrowroot and casava.

2009-01-03 08:48:17 補充:
In the United Kingdom, Sweden and Australia, a new variety of Pringles made from rice have been released and marketed as lower in fat than their potato counterparts. Recently, the Australian company Absolute Organic has also released chips made from beetroot.

2009-01-03 08:48:50 補充:
Since potatoes are 75% water it takes approximately four pounds of potatoes to make one pound of potato chips.

2009-01-03 08:49:15 補充:
Many different "recipes" have been "invented" at different times and in different places. Some believe that the original potato chip recipe was created by chef George Crum, who was of Native American and African American descent, at

2009-01-03 08:49:31 補充:
Moon's Lake House near Saratoga Springs, New York, on August 24, 1853. Fed up with a customer who continued to send his fried potatoes back complaining that they were too thick and soggy, Crum decided to slice the potatoes so thin that they couldn't be eaten with a fork.

2009-01-03 08:49:54 補充:
As they couldn't be fried normally in a pan, he decided to stir-fry the potato slices. Against Crum's expectation, the guest was ecstatic about the new chips and they soon became a regular item on the lodge's menu, under the name "Saratoga Crisps."

2009-01-03 08:50:22 補充:
They eventually became popular throughout New York and New England. One version of this story credits John Harvey Kellogg (the brother of the Dr. Kellogg who founded the company which bears the family name)

2009-01-03 08:50:41 補充:
as the customer who wanted them thinner; another wrongly identifies him as Cornelius Vanderbilt.

2009-01-03 08:50:58 補充:
The owners of the restaurant Schweizerhaus in Wurstelprater, Vienna's largest permanent amusement park, claim that their site is where what they call Rohscheiben (raw slices) was invented.[citation needed]

2009-01-03 08:51:18 補充:
An earlier reference to what are now known as potato chips is Alexis Soyer's recipe in "Shilling Cookery for People" (1845). Here raw potatoes, "almost shavings" are fried. Earlier still, Mary Randolph's book "The Virginia House-wife"

2009-01-03 08:52:06 補充:
(1824) has a part titled "To fry Sliced Potatoes" here raw potatoes are cut into slices or thin shavings and fried "till they are crisp."

2009-01-03 08:52:16 補充:
In the 20th century, potato chips spread beyond chef-cooked restaurant fare and began to be mass produced for home consumption; Dayton, Ohio-based Mike-sell's Potato Chip Company, founded in 1910, calls itself the "oldest potato chip company in the United States".

2009-01-03 08:52:29 補充:
Before the airtight sealed bag was developed, chips were stored in barrels or tins which allowed them to go stale and damp.

2009-01-03 08:52:46 補充:
Then Laura Scudder invented the potato chip bag by ironing together two pieces of waxed paper, thereby creating an airtight seal and keeping the chips fresh until opened. In 1934 Akron, Ohio, potato chip maker K.T. Salem was the first to

2009-01-03 08:52:55 補充:
distribute chips in glassine waxed paper bags. Today, chips are packaged in plastic bags, with nitrogen gas blown in prior to sealing in order to lengthen shelf life and provide protection against crushing.

2009-01-03 08:53:09 補充:
Initially, chips went unseasoned until a twist of salt was placed inside the bag, to be added when required. This idea was originated by the Smiths Potato Crisps Company Ltd formed in 1920.[3] Frank Smith originally packaged them in greaseproof paper bags which were then sold around London.

2009-01-03 08:53:37 補充:
The potato chip remained otherwise unseasoned until an innovation by Joe "Spud" Murphy (1923 – 2001),[4] the owner of an Irish crisp company called Tayto, who developed a technology to add seasoning during manufacture in the 1950s.

2009-01-03 08:53:53 補充:
Though he had a small company, consisting almost entirely of his immediate family who prepared the crisps, the owner had long proved himself an innovator. After some trial and error, he produced the world's first seasoned crisps, Cheese & Onion and Salt & Vinegar.

2009-01-03 08:54:14 補充:
An old advertisement for Smith's Potato Crisps
The innovation became an overnight sensation in the food industry, with the heads of some of the biggest potato chip companies in

2009-01-03 08:54:32 補充:
the United States heading to the small Tayto company to examine the product and to negotiate the rights to use the new technology. When eventually the Tayto company was sold, it made the owner and the small family group who had

2009-01-03 08:54:45 補充:
changed the face of potato chip manufacturing very wealthy. Companies worldwide sought to buy the rights to Tayto's technique.

The Tayto innovation changed the whole nature of the potato chip, and led to the

2009-01-03 08:54:56 補充:
end of Smith's twist of salt (Walkers revived the idea of 'salt in a bag', following their take over of Smith's (UK) in 1979, with their Salt 'n' Shake potato crisps.Later chip manufacturers added natural and artificial seasonings to potato chips, with varying

2009-01-03 08:55:22 補充:
degrees of success. A product that had had a large appeal to a limited market on the basis of one seasoning now had a degree of market penetration through vast numbers of seasonings. Various other seasonings of chips are sold in different locales,

2009-01-03 08:55:30 補充:
including the original "Cheese and Onion", produced by Tayto, which remains by far I
reland's biggest manufacturer of crisps.

2009-01-03 08:55:35 補充:
Perhaps the most extreme version of seasoned chips were the fruit flavored chips that were (very) briefly sold in Canada in the late seventies (in orange, cherry and grape flavors). These were not a success, and they were rapidly discontinued.
參考: 維基百科
2009-01-03 5:25 pm




在英語系國家對馬鈴薯食品的名字很少有一致性。 美式英語對上面提到的食品稱chips;炸薯條(French fries)是指柔軟而會黏著的馬鈴薯。在英式英語中,crisps是酥脆的馬鈴薯而chips則是柔軟而會黏著的(如炸魚薯條)。在澳大利亞、新西蘭和南美洲,脆的或是軟的馬鈴薯片都叫做chips,一如較大的「家庭式」馬鈴薯片。有時候'hot chips'和'packet chips'之間有差別。新西蘭人也吃Kumara(甘薯)。


1 原味

2 調味薯片

3 類似食品

4 食譜中的薯片

5 著名品牌

6 參見

7 參考資料

8 外部連結


1853年8月24日,George Crum在美國紐約一流的度假勝地Saratoga Springs, New York當廚師。那裏的月亮湖旅館餐廳 (Moon Lake Lodge) 提供法國式炸馬鈴薯條,而喬治則按照標準的法國尺寸製作薯條。此食品於17世紀風靡法國,那時湯瑪斯·傑弗遜是美國駐法大使,他非常喜歡吃薯條。於是就把製作方法帶到美國,並在蒙蒂塞洛(Monticello)把炸薯條當作一道正式晚宴菜餚招待客人。



上世紀二十年代,自從發明了馬鈴薯削皮機,促使了馬鈴薯片的流行。一個南方的旅行推銷員赫爾曼•雷(Herman Lay)幫助推廣了這種食品。他帶著皮箱在美國南部的雜貨店叫賣此機器,之後他更創立了公司,令他的名字幾乎成為薯片的同義詞。樂事馬鈴薯片是第一個成功市場化的美國品牌。從六十年代開始,馬鈴薯片開始於全世界流行開來。

在密封包裝發明之前,馬鈴薯片是保存在大桶子或罐頭裡,在底部的薯片常常會不新鮮或潮濕。之後Laura Scudder發明了將兩張蠟紙燙在一起的袋子,從此創造了密封包裝並且保存馬鈴薯片的新鮮度到開封的時候。時至今日,馬鈴薯片是以乾燥空氣充入膠袋後密封包裝,防止壓碎。


A historical Smith's Potato Chips ad

馬鈴薯片一直沒有加入調味料,這減少了它的魅力,直到一間叫Tayto的愛爾蘭薯片公司的擁有者,在五十年代發明了加入調味料的方法。雖然他只有一間小公司(這間公司的組成幾乎是他製作薯片的家人),但是這個老闆一直證明他自己是個創新的人。經過一些試誤(trial and error)後,他製造了世界上第一批加了調味料的馬鈴薯片,"起司和洋蔥(Cheese and Onion)"和"Salt 'n' Vinegar".


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