How come a guy is expected to read a woman's mind? Women, please respond. Guys are welcome too.?

2009-01-02 5:47 pm
I've been trying to talk to my ex girlfriend of about seven years ago into getting back with me. On her myspace page, she puts up her mood and status and I seem to think that she's giving me subtle signs that she still cares about me. But she could be leaving that for someone else. Like I bought her a pair of earrings for Christmas that she loved so she put her mood as "loved" and her status as "Someone loves me". Now she has it to say "I got what I want" and her mood is "cheerful". I don't know what to think. I can't read her mind and it's a little difficult trying to out right ask her. I don't want to push her into telling me, I want to gently understand her. Can anyone help me?

We were supposed to get married. I proposed twice and she said yes, but back then I didn't have the money to buy a ring or take care of her. I think she really loved me in the past.

回答 (16)

2009-01-02 5:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
well id say do the same thing, leave small comments on your my space to make her curious. something like ur happy coz you have finally decided how u feel about a special some one etc nothing to obvious just some thing to get her thinkin then she will approach you and then u tell her u want to try again, if you get shot down then at least you know you tried..

gud luk
2009-01-02 5:51 pm
You think her myspace mood is all about you? Why don't you ask her face to face how she feels. If you are only going by her myspace, it's you that is reading things into it, not her giving you mixed signals.
2009-01-02 5:53 pm
a guy isn't expected to read a mind, but they are expected to have common sense.

if your so interested in her again then talk to her in person!
myspace doesn't mean much, especially status and mood.
she knows other people so i wouldn't get your hopes up but it's worth a shot!
so ask to meet up with her in person to chat and hang out and see where it goes from there
2009-01-02 5:52 pm
You're right, she could be posting those messages/comments to anyone, about anyone. Ask her, plain and simple. If it's that awkward then it's apparently not that important to you.

You cannot read her mind, so stop pussyfooting around. She either digs you or she doesn't. If you two can't communicate then you'll never have a relationship worth much anyway.
2016-05-23 9:52 pm
I'm a lesbian girl and it's hard too. Most people fear rejection and the only people that aren't shy when asking people out are a) cocky and certain that the person will say yes or b) are confident that the other person likes them because they already said so. Also, some people are harder to ask out than others because they are intimidating in their looks. I don't know what you look like, but if you're really goodlooking that could be why.
2009-01-02 5:58 pm
Females cannot give straight answers. You ask a question that has a one word answer, she'll give it to you in a paragraph or more. To find the most direct answer, ask her in her face. Don't text or message her because it will take away from the whole seriousness. Also tell her you'll accept any answer, assuming you want to know. It'll take a lot of courage and bravery, but it's definitely worth it!
2009-01-02 5:56 pm
she might have just been happy. Please know that girls think very in deep about things and she might be doing that for your attention, or she just wanted to tell the world that she feels good. You could ask her about it, or if you don't want to ignore it. She might come to you and tell you herself. just wait and calm down. Do you like her? if you do then you should talk to her about it.
2009-01-02 5:55 pm
Sure. She's keeping you around to either make herself feel better, or because she does want a relationship, but is afraid to start one again. You said it's been seven years, so I'm going with the "keeping you around to make herself feel better."
Most girls like knowing that their ex is still falling flat on their face for them. It gives girls the feeling of power. This is probably true if you are the one that broke things off, or if you hurt her.
Talk to her. Ask her what is going on inside her head. You'll never know it you don't ask.
Women don't like to tell a guy what's exactly on their mind, they want the guy to figure that out themselves. (Especially if the guy has known them for a long time!)
2009-01-02 5:53 pm
Heya Bubsz :)

Lol, I'm as bad you for reading myspace Personal status :) You should just do the natural thing and talk to her seven years is a long time and I think she'll understand if you just chat to her instead of reading her status lol :)

:] Kiki
2009-01-02 5:53 pm
That is a great question . It is enough to drive you crazy the way they do that makes ya wanna go postal at times Nobody can help with that women will always do that. I guess you could say its a women thing But hey you gotta love them Now where do I go to vote for this as a best question?????

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